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Nepenthes maximoides (Nepenthaceae) a new, critically endangered (possibly extinct) species in Sect. Alatae from Luzon, Philippines showing striking pitcher convergence with N. maxima (Sect. Regiae) of Indonesia
PeerJ ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9899
Charles King , Martin Cheek

Nepenthes maximoides sp. nov. (Sect. Alatae) is described and assessed as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) from Luzon, Philippines and appears unrecorded in 110 years. The spectacular, large, narrowly funnel-shaped upper pitchers, lids with recurved basal and filiform apical appendages, unlike any other species in the Philippines, closely resemble those of N. maxima (Sect. Regiae) of Sulawesi–New Guinea, likely due to convergent evolution. Following recent phylogenomic analysis, sect. Alatae is divided into two, Sect. Alatae sensu stricto of Luzon to Sibuyan (including N. maximoides), and Sect. Micramphorae, expanded and recircumscribed to encompass those species of the southern Visayas, and Mindanao. A key is provided to the six species now recognised in the newly narrowly recircumscribed Sect. Alatae. The number of Nepenthes species recorded from Luzon has increased from two in 2001, to eight in 2020, all but one of which are endemic to that island, and four of which appear to be point endemics.


Nepenthes maximoides (Nepenthaceae) 一种新的、极度濒危(可能已经灭绝)的物种。来自菲律宾吕宋岛的 Alatae 与印度尼西亚的 N. maxima (Sect. Regiae) 表现出惊人的投手融合

Nepenthes maximoides sp. 十一月 (Sect. Alatae)被描述和评估为来自菲律宾吕宋岛的极度濒危(可能已经灭绝),并且在 110 年中没有记录。壮观的、大的、狭窄的漏斗形上位笼、带有弯曲的基部和丝状顶端附属物的盖子,与菲律宾的任何其他物种不同,与苏拉威西-新几内亚的极大猪笼草(Regiae)非常相似,可能是由于趋同进化。根据最近的系统基因组分析,第。阿拉泰分为两个,教派。吕宋到锡布延(包括 N. maximoides)和 Sect. 的 Alatae sensu stricto。Micramphae,扩大和重新界定以涵盖南米沙鄢和棉兰老岛的那些物种。为新近重新界定的教派中现在承认的六个物种提供了一把钥匙。阿拉泰。