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Seeing the subjective as objective: People perceive the taste of those they disagree with as biased and wrong
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.1002/bdm.2201
Nathan N. Cheek 1 , Shane F. Blackman 1 , Emily Pronin 1

Funding information National Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: 1655011 Abstract People think that they see things as they are in “objective reality,” and they impute bias and other negative qualities to those who disagree. Evidence for these tendencies initially emerged in the domain of politics, where people tend to assume that there are objectively correct beliefs and positions. The present research shows that people are confident in the correctness of their views, and they negatively judge those who disagree, even in the seemingly “subjective” domain of art. Across seven experiments, participants evaluated paintings and encountered others who agreed or disagreed with their evaluations. Participants saw others' evaluations as less objective when they clashed with their own, and as more influenced by biasing factors like conformity or financial incentives. These aesthetic preferences felt as objective as political preferences. Reminding people of their belief that artistic preferences are “matters of opinion” reduced this thinking, but did not eliminate it. These findings suggest that people's convictions of their own objectivity are so powerful as to extend to domains that are typically regarded as “subjective.”



资助信息 美国国家科学基金会,资助/奖项编号:1655011 摘要 人们认为他们在“客观现实”中看待事物,并将偏见和其他负面品质归咎于不同意的人。这些倾向的证据最初出现在政治领域,人们倾向于认为存在客观正确的信念和立场。目前的研究表明,人们对自己观点的正确性充满信心,即使在看似“主观”的艺术领域,他们也会对持不同意见的人做出负面评价。在七个实验中,参与者评估了绘画,并遇到了同意或不同意他们评估的其他人。当参与者与自己发生冲突时,参与者认为其他人的评价不那么客观,并且更多地受到诸如一致性或财务激励等偏见因素的影响。这些审美偏好与政治偏好一样客观。提醒人们他们相信艺术偏好是“意见问题”减少了这种想法,但并没有消除它。这些发现表明,人们对自己客观性的信念是如此强大,以至于可以扩展到通常被视为“主观”的领域。