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Erysiphe lespedezae causing powdery mildew on Bauhinia variegata, B. blakeana and Desmodium caudatum in Taiwan
Forest Pathology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1111/efp.12631
Yi‐Ting Xiao, Chao‐Jen Wang, Tung‐Chin Huang, Yuan‐Min Shen

In March 2020, symptoms of powdery mildew were observed on Bauhinia variegata, B. blakeana and Desmodium caudatum in Taiwan. The fungus was identified as Erysiphe lespedezae based on morphological characteristics of the anamorph and the molecular analysis of the rDNA ITS sequences. In the phylogenetic tree, the powdery mildews on Bauhinia spp. and D. caudatum were divided into two groups, suggesting that cryptic species may exist in E. lespedezae. To our knowledge, this is the first confirmed record of E. lespedezae on the plants in Fabaceae in Taiwan.