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Clinical pathology and ultrasonographic findings from a Warmblood gelding with primary, severe, acute pancreatitis
Equine Veterinary Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1111/eve.13366
A. C. Lack 1 , N. E. Crabtree 1 , W. W. Won 1 , R. L. Fontenot 1

A 24-year-old Warmblood gelding presented with a 6-hour history of recurrent colic signs of increasing severity. Upon presentation, he was mildly painful, tachycardic and tachypnoeic and had decreased borborygmi. Nasogastric intubation resulted in no net reflux and rectal palpation revealed an ascending colon impaction. Percutaneous abdominal ultrasonography revealed dilated, thickened and hypomotile loops of small intestine. Complete blood count revealed leucopenia with neutropenia and an increased packed cell volume. Serum biochemistry revealed hyperproteinaemia, hyperglycaemia, hypocalcaemia, hyperbilirubinaemia, hypercholesterolaemia and elevated liver enzymes. Despite sedation and fluid resuscitation, the gelding became severely colicky. A repeat ultrasound was performed, revealing a moderate amount of free fluid and a mass effect between the liver and right dorsal colon. Abdominocentesis yielded a yellow, turbid fluid containing free-floating white debris with an increased total protein and lactate concentration. Cytology of the fluid revealed necrotic mesothelial cells. The gelding was humanely euthanised due to poor prognosis. Necropsy revealed acute, severe pancreatitis and duodenitis. The mass effect on ultrasonography was retrospectively identified as the pancreas exhibiting a similar architecture to that seen in cases of acute pancreatitis in small animals.



一头 24 岁的温血马驹出现了 6 小时的反复绞痛症状,症状日益严重。就诊时,他有轻度疼痛、心动过速和呼吸急促,并且腹鸣减少。鼻胃管插管未导致净反流,直肠触诊显示升结肠嵌塞。经皮腹部超声检查显示小肠袢扩张、增厚和运动迟缓。全血细胞计数显示白细胞减少症伴中性粒细胞减少症和堆积细胞体积增加。血清生化显示高蛋白血症、高血糖、低钙血症、高胆红素血症、高胆固醇血症和肝酶升高。尽管进行了镇静和液体复苏,但阉马变得严重绞痛。进行了重复超声检查,显示有适量的游离液体和肝脏和右背结肠之间的占位效应。腹腔穿刺术产生黄色混浊液体,其中含有自由漂浮的白色碎片,总蛋白和乳酸浓度增加。液体的细胞学显示坏死的间皮细胞。由于预后不佳,阉马被人道地安乐死。尸检显示急性、严重的胰腺炎和十二指肠炎。回顾性地发现,由于胰腺表现出与小动物急性胰腺炎病例中所见结构相似的结构,超声检查的质量效应被回顾性地确定。由于预后不佳,阉马被人道地安乐死。尸检显示急性、严重的胰腺炎和十二指肠炎。回顾性地发现,由于胰腺表现出与小动物急性胰腺炎病例中所见结构相似的结构,超声检查的质量效应被回顾性地确定。由于预后不佳,阉马被人道地安乐死。尸检显示急性、严重的胰腺炎和十二指肠炎。回顾性地发现,由于胰腺表现出与小动物急性胰腺炎病例中所见结构相似的结构,超声检查的质量效应被回顾性地确定。