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Putting food access in its topological place: thinking in terms of relational becomings when mapping space
Agriculture and Human Values ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s10460-020-10149-y
Michael Carolan

This paper adopts a relational, also known as a topological, approach to food accessibility—the idea that food spaces are best understood as relational becomings rather than as voids filled exclusively with mass (immutable materiality) and address (geospatial coordinates). It is animated by an experimental spirit, in terms of the methods employed, the data collected, and by how those data are brought together, which together better enriches inductive theorizing. The project looks at the daily macro-mobilities—trips from one GPS coordinate to another—of 70 Coloradoans, triangulated with qualitative semi-structured interview data. Data collection occurred over three phases: baseline interviews, which lasted approximately 45 min; 30-day study period, which involved using a GPS tracking app. on their mobile phones; and follow-up interviews that lasted roughly two hours. The paper, through inductive theorizing and methodological experimentation, contributes to the critical food mapping scholarship in three ways: first, by looking at rural and urban food environments and livelihoods (as opposed to focusing exclusively on the latter); second, by focusing on mobilities as opposed to fixities (an example of the former: mapping projects that reduce food access to Euclidean coordinates); and, lastly, by its conceptual innovations attributed to phenomena such as life course and geographies of care.



本文采用了一种关系的,也称为拓扑的,食物可及性方法——食物空间最好被理解为关系生成,而不是完全由质量(不可变的物质性)和地址(地理空间坐标)填充的空隙。它以实验精神为动力,在所采用的方法、收集的数据以及如何将这些数据结合在一起,这些结合在一起更好地丰富了归纳理论。该项目着眼于 70 名科罗拉多人的日常宏观流动性——从一个 GPS 坐标到另一个 GPS 坐标的旅行,用定性的半结构化访谈数据进行三角测量。数据收集分三个阶段进行:基线访谈,持续约 45 分钟;30 天的学习期,其中涉及使用 GPS 跟踪应用程序。在他们的手机上;以及持续大约两个小时的后续采访。这篇论文通过归纳理论和方法实验,在三个方面为批判性食物制图学术做出了贡献:首先,着眼于农村和城市的食物环境和生计(而不是仅仅关注后者);第二,通过关注流动性而不是固定性(前者的一个例子:绘制减少食物获取欧几里得坐标的项目);最后,通过归因于生命历程和护理地理等现象的概念创新。通过观察农村和城市的食物环境和生计(而不是只关注后者);第二,通过关注流动性而不是固定性(前者的一个例子:绘制减少食物获取欧几里得坐标的项目);最后,通过归因于生命历程和护理地理等现象的概念创新。通过观察农村和城市的食物环境和生计(而不是只关注后者);第二,通过关注流动性而不是固定性(前者的一个例子:绘制减少食物获取欧几里得坐标的项目);最后,通过其归因于生命历程和护理地理等现象的概念创新。