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Revision of Coelastrella (Scenedesmaceae, Chlorophyta) and first register of this green coccoid microalga for continental Norway
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s11274-020-02897-0
F Goecke 1 , J Noda 2 , M Paliocha 1 , H R Gislerød 1

A terrestrial green microalga was isolated at Ås, in Akershus County, Norway. The strain corresponded to a coccoid chlorophyte. Morphological characteristics by light and electron microscopy, in conjunction with DNA amplification and sequencing of the 18 s rDNA gene and ITS sequences, were used to identify the microalgae. The characteristics agree with those of the genus Coelastrella defined by Chodat, and formed a sister group with the recently described C. thermophila var. globulina. Coelastrella is a relatively small numbered genus that has not been observed in continental Norway before; there are no previous cultures available in collections of Norwegian strains. Gas chromatography analyses of the FAME-derivatives showed a high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (44–45%) especially linolenic acid (C18:3n3; 30–34%). After the stationary phase, the cultures were able to accumulate several carotenoids as neoxanthin, pheophytin a, astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, lutein, and violaxanthin. Due to the scarcity of visual characters suitable for diagnostic purposes and the lack of DNA sequence information, there is a high possibility that species of this genus have been neglected in local environmental studies, even though it showed interesting properties for algal biotechnology. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s11274-020-02897-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.


Coelastrella (Scenedesmaceae, Chlorophyta) 的修订和挪威大陆这种绿色球状微藻的首次登记

在挪威阿克斯胡斯县 Ås 分离出一种陆生绿色微藻。该菌株对应于球状叶绿体。通过光学和电子显微镜的形态学特征,结合 18 s rDNA 基因和 ITS 序列的 DNA 扩增和测序,用于识别微藻。这些特征与由 Chodat 定义的 Coelastrella 属的特征一致,并与最近描述的 C. thermophila var. 形成姐妹群。球蛋白。Coelastrella 是一个数量相对较少的属,以前在挪威大陆没有观察到。挪威菌株的集合中没有可用的先前培养物。FAME 衍生物的气相色谱分析显示高百分比的多不饱和脂肪酸 (44–45%) 特别是亚麻酸 (C18:3n3; 30–34%)。在稳定期之后,培养物能够积累多种类胡萝卜素,如新黄质、脱镁叶绿素 a、虾青素、角黄素、叶黄素和紫黄质。由于缺乏适用于诊断目的的视觉特征和 DNA 序列信息的缺乏,该属的物种很可能在当地环境研究中被忽视,尽管它显示出藻类生物技术的有趣特性。电子补充材料本文的在线版本(10.1007/s11274-020-02897-0)包含补充材料,可供授权用户使用。由于缺乏适用于诊断目的的视觉特征和 DNA 序列信息的缺乏,该属的物种很可能在当地环境研究中被忽视,尽管它显示出藻类生物技术的有趣特性。电子补充材料本文的在线版本(10.1007/s11274-020-02897-0)包含补充材料,可供授权用户使用。由于缺乏适用于诊断目的的视觉特征和 DNA 序列信息的缺乏,该属的物种很可能在当地环境研究中被忽视,尽管它显示出藻类生物技术的有趣特性。电子补充材料本文的在线版本(10.1007/s11274-020-02897-0)包含补充材料,可供授权用户使用。