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Physico-chemical bases of resistance in maize against shoot fly, Atherigona naqvii Steyskal during spring season in north India
Euphytica ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10681-020-02665-z
Sunit Goyal , Jawala Jindal , Kamaljit Kaur

Host plant resistance is one of the most promising alternatives to insecticides to manage the shoot fly, Atherigona naqvii Steyskal, which is a major biotic constraint to spring sown maize in northern India. In present studies, Nineteen maize inbreds selected from diverse sources were characterized for resistance traits against shoot fly under its natural infestation using moistened fishmeal. Though the antixenosis to shoot fly for oviposition was not observed in the test genotypes. But, the presence of significant variation in the deadhearts incidence revealed the existence of relative amount of resistance among the test genotypes. The Tolerance (measured in the terms of less proportion of deadhearts out of total shoot fly incidence (leaf injury + deadhearts)) and Antibiosis (in terms of larval and pupal weight, duration and survival) were recognized as key mechanisms of this resistance. Tolerance to shoot fly was significantly more in resistant inbreds, SO1SHYQBBB13B, HK12-6-2-4, DMSC 28, CM 143 and Winpop 8 (29.46–36.56%) in comparison to the susceptible genotypes SE 563 and LM 16 (46.31–47.44%). The correlation and stepwise regression analyses revealed that the more seedling vigor, less leaf area, less number of leaves and thin stem had significant impact on the shoot fly deadhearts incidence and provided resistance against this pest. The total soluble sugars (TSS), proteins and amino acids were significantly higher in the susceptible inbreds; whereas, total phenols and tannins; and activities of defensive enzymes viz. phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) were significantly higher in resistant inbreds. Further, the stepwise regression revealed that the larval period, per cent pupation, pupal weight female, pupal weight male and adult emergence of shoot fly were significantly influenced by PAL activity, which explained 71.5, 82.9, 47.0, 29.8 and 39.9% of their total variation, respectively. PPO activity significantly influenced the pupal period (R2 = 59.7%) whereas, the larval weight was significantly influenced by amino acids (R2 = 56.9%), proteins (R2 = 10.2%) and TSS (R2 = 7.7%). So, the correlation and regression analyses revealed that these physico-chemical characters of the maize inbreds can be utilized as reliable markers traits to identify resistant sources to develop shoot fly resistant maize hybrids.


印度北部春季玉米抗笋蝇的物理化学基础,Atherigona naqvii Steyskal

寄主植物抗性是最有希望的替代杀虫剂的替代品之一,用于管理芽蝇 Atherigona naqvii Steyskal,这是印度北部春播玉米的主要生物限制因素。在目前的研究中,从不同来源中选出的 19 个玉米自交系在使用湿润鱼粉的自然侵染下对枝蝇的抗性进行了表征。虽然在测试基因型中未观察到对射蝇产卵的抗排毒作用。但是,死心发生率的显着变化表明测试基因型之间存在相对数量的抗性。耐受性(以死心占总射蝇发生率(叶损伤 + 死心)的比例衡量)和抗菌性(以幼虫和蛹的重量衡量,持续时间和存活率)被认为是这种抗性的关键机制。与易感基因型 SE 563 和 LM 16 (46.341–477) 相比,抗性近交种 SO1SHYQBBB13B、HK12-6-2-4、DMSC 28、CM 143 和 Winpop 8 (29.46–36.56%) 对飞蝇的耐受性显着更高%)。相关性和逐步回归分析表明,幼苗活力越大、叶面积越小、叶数越少和茎越薄,对新梢蝇的死心病发生率有显着影响,并提供对该害虫的抗性。易感自交系的总可溶性糖(TSS)、蛋白质和氨基酸显着较高;而总酚和单宁;和防御酶的活性,即。苯丙氨酸解氨酶 (PAL) 和多酚氧化酶 (PPO) 在抗性近交中显着更高。更多,逐步回归显示,幼虫期、化蛹百分比、雌性蛹重、雄性蛹重和成虫羽化显着受 PAL 活性的影响,这解释了它们总变异的 71.5、82.9、47.0、29.8 和 39.9%,分别。PPO 活性显着影响蛹期 (R2 = 59.7%) 而幼虫重量受氨基酸 (R2 = 56.9%)、蛋白质 (R2 = 10.2%) 和 TSS (R2 = 7.7%) 显着影响。因此,相关性和回归分析表明,玉米自交系的这些理化性状可以作为可靠的标记性状来识别抗性来源,以开发抗射蝇的玉米杂种。PAL 活性显着影响雄性和成虫的蛹重,分别解释了它们总变异的 71.5%、82.9%、47.0%、29.8% 和 39.9%。PPO 活性显着影响蛹期 (R2 = 59.7%) 而幼虫重量受氨基酸 (R2 = 56.9%)、蛋白质 (R2 = 10.2%) 和 TSS (R2 = 7.7%) 显着影响。因此,相关性和回归分析表明,玉米自交系的这些理化性状可以作为可靠的标记性状来识别抗性来源,以开发抗射蝇的玉米杂种。PAL 活性显着影响雄性和成虫的蛹重,分别解释了它们总变异的 71.5%、82.9%、47.0%、29.8% 和 39.9%。PPO 活性显着影响蛹期 (R2 = 59.7%) 而幼虫重量受氨基酸 (R2 = 56.9%)、蛋白质 (R2 = 10.2%) 和 TSS (R2 = 7.7%) 显着影响。因此,相关性和回归分析表明,玉米自交系的这些理化性状可以作为可靠的标记性状来识别抗性来源,以开发抗射蝇的玉米杂种。幼虫体重受氨基酸 (R2 = 56.9%)、蛋白质 (R2 = 10.2%) 和 TSS (R2 = 7.7%) 的显着影响。因此,相关性和回归分析表明,玉米自交系的这些理化性状可以作为可靠的标记性状来识别抗性来源,以开发抗射蝇的玉米杂种。幼虫体重受氨基酸 (R2 = 56.9%)、蛋白质 (R2 = 10.2%) 和 TSS (R2 = 7.7%) 的显着影响。因此,相关性和回归分析表明,玉米自交系的这些理化性状可以作为可靠的标记性状来识别抗性来源,以开发抗射蝇的玉米杂种。