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Numerical simulation of manufacturing process chain for pearlitic and bainitic steel rails
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s43452-020-00107-0
Andrij Milenin , Władysław Zalecki , Monika Pernach , Łukasz Rauch , Roman Kuziak , Tomasz Zygmunt , Maciej Pietrzyk

Computer system for the design of technology of the manufacturing of pearlitic and bainitic rails was presented in this paper. The system consists of the FEM simulation module of thermal–mechanical phenomena and microstructure evolution during hot rolling integrated with the module of phase transformation occurring during cooling. Model parameters were identified based on dilatometric tests. Physical simulations, including Gleeble tests, were used for validation and verification of the models. In the case of pearlitic steels, the process of subsequent immersions of the rail head in the polymer solution was numerically simulated. The objective function in the optimization procedure was composed of minimum interlamellar spacing and maximum hardness. Cooling in the air at a cooling bed was simulated for the bainitic steel rails and mechanical properties were predicted. The obtained results allowed us to formulate technological guidelines for the process of accelerated cooling of rails.


