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Dependence of vapor bubble collapse in hot tetradecane on its pressure
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-27 , DOI: 10.1134/s086986431906009x
R. I. Nigmatulin , A. A. Aganin , D. Yu. Toporkov

Specific features of the phenomenon of vapor bubble collapse in hot tetradecane (with a temperature of 663 K) are considered for various values of pressures in the liquid in the range from 13 to 100 bar. At the beginning of the collapse, the vapor in the bubble is in the state of saturation with a pressure of 10.3 bar, and with the initial radius of the bubble to equal 500 µm. It is shown that, at a liquid pressure lower than 13 bar, a nearly-uniform vapor compression is realized in the bubble, whereas at higher pressure values, compression is realized by means of radially converging isentropic waves (at 14–18 bar) and shock waves (starting from 19 bar). The degrees of vapor compression, estimated from the vapor pressure, density and temperature at the boundary of a small central region of the bubble of 0.25-µm radius, are compared with the degrees of vapor compression realized when a similar vapor bubble collapses in cold acetone at a temperature of 273 K (as in known experiments on acoustic cavitation of deuterated acetone). It is found that the degrees of compression comparable with those achieved in the case of acetone at a pressure of 15 bar, equal to the amplitude of the acoustic action exercised in the mentioned experiments, are achieved in the case of tetradecane at a pressure of 70 bar. In the latter case, the maximum rate of bubble collapse in tetradecane is 10 times lower than that in acetone (110 m/s versus 1100 m/s).



对于在13巴至100巴范围内的液体中的各种压力值,认为在热十四烷(温度为663K)中蒸气气泡破裂现象的特定特征。在破裂开始时,气泡中的蒸汽处于饱和状态,压力为10.3 bar,气泡的初始半径等于500 µm。结果表明,在低于13 bar的液体压力下,气泡中几乎实现了均匀的蒸气压缩,而在较高压力值下,通过径向收敛的等熵波(在14–18 bar下)实现了压缩。冲击波(从19巴开始)。蒸气压缩程度,根据半径为0.25 µm的气泡的小中心区域边界处的蒸气压,密度和温度来估算,将其与在273 K的温度下在冷丙酮中类似的蒸气气泡破裂时实现的蒸气压缩程度进行比较(如在氘化丙酮的声空化实验中已知的那样)。可以发现,在十四烷的压力为70的情况下,可以达到与在15 bar的压力下的丙酮所达到的压缩程度相当的压缩程度,该压缩程度等于上述实验中所执行的声学作用的幅度。酒吧。在后一种情况下,十四烷中的最大气泡破裂速率比丙酮中的气泡破裂速率低10倍(110 m / s对1100 m / s)。可以发现,在十四烷的压力为70的情况下,可以达到与在15 bar的压力下的丙酮所达到的压缩程度相当的压缩程度,该压缩程度等于上述实验中所执行的声学作用的幅度。酒吧。在后一种情况下,十四烷中的最大气泡破裂速率比丙酮中的气泡破裂速率低10倍(110 m / s对1100 m / s)。可以发现,在十四烷的压力为70的情况下,可以达到与在15 bar的压力下的丙酮所达到的压缩程度相当的压缩程度,该压缩程度等于上述实验中所执行的声学作用的幅度。酒吧。在后一种情况下,十四烷中的最大气泡破裂速率比丙酮中的气泡破裂速率低10倍(110 m / s对1100 m / s)。