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When the Complex Makes It Easy: Phasor Plotting as a Model Independent Representation of Fluorescence Decay in Flow Cytometry.
Cytometry Part A ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-02 , DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.24223
László Bene 1, 2 , László Damjanovich 1

Fluorescence lifetime is an important contrast modality of selectively detecting different types of dyes and their interactions, where possible contaminating effects of hardly controllable factors such as exciting light flux and local exciting dye concentration are absent (1, 2). Time‐ and frequency‐domain detections of fluorescence lifetime have been elaborated both in microscopy and flow cytometry (2-5).

Phasor plot is a graphical replacement of the fluorescence decay curve of a fluorescent system. Although excellent accounts of phasor plots are existing in the literature (6, 7), we recast it now from the viewpoint of the general systems and communication theory. The approach of systems theory is that the examined object is treated as a black box, and the structure of the black box is inferred from the distortion of shapes of signals introduced into the black box (8) (Fig. 1). The shape of the input signal is distorted upon interactions with the elements of black box. The types and strengths of interactions can be found via a careful analysis of the shape distortions of the output signal in a noninvasive manner, not necessitating structural changes of the black box. The black box can also be conceived as an information channel influencing the transmitted information meant by the shape of input signal and the received information represented by the shape of the output signal. For the sake of concreteness, let us first mention an LR‐circuit (9) (first row of Fig. 1). Upon excitation of the circuit with a square pulse, the elicited current will show a degree of smoothing of both the front and rear of the input signal, dictated by the relaxation time constant, τ. The relaxation time expresses the degree of inertia of the system against the perturbation and here is dictated by the inductivity to resistance ratio (L/R) (9). As a second example, let us take a microscope objective (second row of Fig. 1). The image of a rectangular brightness distribution of an object placed in the focal plane will no more be rectangular in the image plane, but more‐or‐less blurred at the edges. The degree of blurring is characterized by the critical distance (d)—or reciprocal resolving power—of microscope resolution, which is dictated by the ratio of the detected wavelength and the objective's numerical aperture (10, 11). As the third example, let us take a fluorescent dye solution in a cuvette, excited by a square light pulse at a suitable wavelength for eliciting fluorescence (third row of Fig. 1). Then, the shape of the evoked fluorescence signal will also show distortions characteristic of the dye solution. At the front of the signal, there is no distortion because of the instantaneous absorption of photons (10−15 s). However, at the rear, some lengthening of emission is seen governed by the storage time of excitation, the fluorescence lifetime, τ, which in turn is defined as the reciprocal of the sum of radiative and nonradiative rate constants, kf and knr, respectively.

Fig 1
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The black box concept of gaining information. To reveal an as yet unknown structure of an object designated as a black box, a signal of known shape is sent into the object and then the shapes of evoked signal and the input one are compared. From the differences in the signal shapes, the structure of the object is inferred. Sharp details tend to be smoothed out, due to the finite response time τ of the systems, a property, called low path filtering. Top row: An LR circuit is excited with square voltage pulse. The evoked current pulse is delayed, and sharp edges are smoothed out, demodulated. The distortion—or low‐path filtering effect—is due to the finite response time, the inertia expressed by τ. The distortion here is proportional to the inductivity L in accordance with the Lenz's law (9). Medium row: The microscope objective acts as a spatial low‐path filter. Sharp edges—representing high spatial frequencies (reciprocal distances)—are smoothed out by the extended PSF of the objective, that is, the incomplete focusing of light to a point focus. The critical distance for resolution (d), determined according to the Abbe's formula, is proportional to the extension of PSF (9-11). Bottom row: A fluorescent dye solution acts also as a low‐path filter. The filtering effect is due to the finite excited state lifetime, typical of some nanoseconds. In contrast to fluorescence, light scattering of solutions, and exciting light reflections from mirrors having practically zero excited state lifetime, have the same modulation and phase that of the exciting direct light. Due to this property, light scattering and reflections from mirrors are used to compensate systematic phase shifts of fluorescence due to equipment components in FLIM. Common properties of the above systems are that: (1) The evoked signal is of the same frequency as the input signal. (2) The degree of undulations about the mean of the evoked signal is smaller than that of the input signal, that is, demodulated. (3) The evoked signal is lagged behind the input signal, that is, phase shifted. The degree of modulation decreases, the phase shift increases with the input frequency. These statements are true independently whether the signals are temporal or spatial in nature.

A key to understanding of phasor‐plots is the observation that the output signal of a black box can be forecasted for any input signal shape if the systems response to an infinitely narrow excitation pulse (Dirac‐ or δ‐pulse) is known (Fig. 2A). This function is called impulse response function or weight function h(t), and considered as a fingerprint of the system (8-11). Its significance lies in that, in the knowledge of it, the response of the system mathematically can be found out for any input signal shape via the operation called convolution. During convolution, each particular g(t0) value of a g(t) function is replaced by a weighted average of the whole g(t) function with a weighting function h(t) centered on the particular t0 time point. This operation is analogous to smoothing clothes with an iron: where g(t) is the cloth with the creases to be removed, and the weight function h(t) is the iron. An important mathematical theorem is that of convolutions. It states that any convolution can be transformed into the product of two complex numbers, the so‐called Fourier‐transforms of the convolved quantities, with the consequence that any time function of the black box can be rendered visible by appropriate geometric features in the two‐dimensional plane (8-11). A commonplace example for Fourier‐transform is splitting up into different color beamlet components of a white light beam by a prism, or a drop of water.

Fig 2
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Phasor plot as polar‐coordinate representation of the Fourier‐transform of the system's impulse response function called also system's transfer function. A conceptual, phenomenological illustration (8-11). (A) If the system is excited with an infinitely thin δ(t′)‐pulse, then the output signal is formed as the convolution of the δ(t′)‐pulse with the impulse response or weight function h(tt′) reflecting the structure of the system, in our case a simple exponential decay of a pure dye. Outstanding property of the δ(t′)‐pulse is that this convolution is the same exponential function. In case of exciting functions other than δ‐pulse, the results would be different. In general the modes of decay and the associated amplitudes (pre‐exponential factors) and decay constants, the lifetimes, can only be determined by numeric fitting of the measured decay function to the assumed form of decay. By pure inspection of the decay curves, the decay modes are only hardly discernable. A fortunate alternative is offered by the convolution theorem, which states that the previous convolution can be transformed into product of complex numbers, the so‐called Fourier‐transforms of the terms in the convolution. These two descriptions are only formally different, but their meanings are equivalent. (B) In the frequency domain, the above convolution corresponds to the product of the Fourier‐transform of the δ‐pulse, which is designated by Δ(ω) and the Fourier‐transform of the h(t) impulse‐response, which is designated by H(ω). An outstanding property of the δ‐pulse is that its Fourier‐transform Δ(ω) is a constant, namely unity for all frequencies. The Fourier‐transform of h(t), H(ω)—called the transfer function—if h(t) is a simple exponential, is a reciprocal complex number, the type of (1/z), that is, H(ω) = 1/z, with z ≡ 1 + i ∙ ω ∙ τ. Because Δ(ω) is unity, the end‐product is also H(ω). If the exciting function would be different—e.g., broader—from the δ‐pulse, then the end‐product would also different from H(ω). Traditionally the above H(ω) = 1/z transfer function is visualized by separately plotting its amplitude (modulus) and phase portions in the same frames (yellow shaded black and red curves to the right). (C) The same H(ω) complex number—previously written as a product of its modulus and a phase‐containing exponential—can also be developed as the sum of a cosine‐term representing the real part and a sine‐term representing the imaginary part, the B and A horizontal and vertical components of H(ω), respectively. This representation of the H(ω) transfer function is called AB plot.

We saw above that the impulse response or weight function represents the system's structure as a finger print. Its Fourier‐transform is called the transfer function. Because this is a complex number, it can be written as a product of a modulation m and complex exponential term containing a phase ϕ (Fig. 2B). The traditional way of representing lifetime measurement data is separately representing the modulation and phase in a common frame as monotonously decreasing and increasing functions of the circular frequency (12). However, by expanding the complex exponential of the phase via Euler's rule into the sum of a cosine (real) and a sine (imaginary) term, and by multiplying them with the modulation term, the transfer function can be resolved into the sum of a real and an imaginary term, called B and A, respectively (Fig. 2C). This second alternative representation of the transfer function is called a phasor‐plot (or AB‐, SG‐, ND‐plot) (6, 13).

In the case of image formation in a microscope, the δ‐pulse corresponds to a point in the object plane. The impulse response of the microscope is the point‐spread function (PSF) whose width is proportional to the critical distance given by the Abbe's formula. The H(ω) transfer function for the microscope is the Fourier‐transform of the PSF, called now optical transfer function (OTF). Imaging quality of microscopes can be improved by purposeful alteration of the OTF, called spatial filtering (9-11).

We introduced phasor plots above as a graphical representation of the transfer function of the system, which in turn has been obtained by Fourier‐transformation of the system's impulse response function. However, it can be obtained without any assumption on the functional form of the impulse response by a harmonic excitation of the system, that is, carrying out the Fourier‐transform at the hardware level, in a phase‐modulation measurement (Fig. 3A). Here, both the demodulation and phase shift can be determined from either the fluorescence response curve or the associated demodulation‐phase curve pair (Fig. 3B) and AB‐plot (Fig. 3C) at the circular frequency of excitation (ω0), from which the apparent phase and demodulation lifetimes can also be determined.

Fig 3
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Phasor plot in the case of harmonic excitation. Excitation of dyes can be done not only with δ‐pulse but also with harmonically modulated light. The output fluorescence signal is also harmonically modulated at the same frequency, demodulated (with demodulation factor of m0), and lagged with a phase shift (ϕ0). The demodulation and phase shift, necessary ingredients of the AB plot, can be read off directly from the output fluorescence signal. In contrast to δ‐pulse excitation, the Fourier transform is done now at the hardware level. While with the δ‐pulse, excitation is effectively done at all frequencies simultaneously, here a special circular frequency ω0 is picked out from the infinite continuum. Consequently, the phasor point belonging to ω0 is directly obtained together with the associated phase and modulation lifetimes. The δ‐pulse excitation can also be treated in this manner, if the δ‐pulse is repeated many times, resulting in a δ‐comb excitation with the ω0 circular frequency (14). (A) The f(t) fluorescence decay is the convolution of the g(t′) excitation function and the h(tt′) impulse response function, just as previously. It can be seen that the originally E0 amplitude and zero phase of excitation (left, green‐filled) is turned into an E0·m0 amplitude and ϕ0 phase (designated by red‐filling) harmonic fluorescence decay (right, yellow‐filled). The impulse response function of the system is the single exponential, as previously (middle, yellow‐filled). (B) For the complex form of convolution, the Fourier transform of excitation now is the δ‐function centered at ω0, designated by δ(ω–ω0) (left, green‐filled), and the Fourier‐transform of the impulse response function is the same H(ω) as previously (middle, yellow‐filled). When multiplied together, the effect of δ(ω–ω0) is that H(ω) representing all circular‐frequencies should be calculated at ω = ω0 (marked by vertical red‐arrows on the right, yellow‐filled graphs). The frequency‐picking property of δ(ω–ω0) is stressed by repeating the phase and modulation components of H(ω) valid for all circular frequencies with the special values of phase and modulation marked by solid and dotted vertical red arrows, respectively. Compared to the case of δ‐pulse excitation, it can be seen that the only difference is that H(ω) is now specified at ω = ω0. (C) Consequently, the corresponding AB plot should also be taken at ω = ω0 (right, yellow‐filled, with a solid red double‐arrow marking the special phase and the one‐headed dotted red arrow marking the special modulation belonging to ω0). As above, the frequency‐picking property of δ(ω–ω0) is stressed by repeating the AB‐plot valid for all circular frequencies with the special values of phase and modulation marked by the red arrows.

In contrast, the single δ‐pulse excitation above only fixed the shapes of these curves and did not fix the actual values of phase, demodulation, and associated lifetimes. However, this can be made with a trick. If the single δ‐pulse is repeated many times, resulting in a “δ‐comb,” then the pulse series acts similarly to a harmonic excitation, with a circular frequency dictated by the pulse repetition rate. At this circular frequency, the phase and modulation lifetimes can be read off analogously to the harmonic case from the phase‐demodulation curve pair or from the AB‐plot (14).

We saw above that the A and B quantities are quadrature components of the complex transfer function, which is the Fourier‐transform of the impulse response or weight function of the dye solution. If A is plotted against B, then the complex plain can be divided into three regions (Fig. 4A). For a single component solution having a single fluorescence lifetime there is a strict relationship between the demodulation and the phase: m = cos(ϕ). Consequently, the corresponding (m, ϕ) pairs constitute a circle, the “universal circle” of radius 0.5, and origin of (0.5, 0), on which fluorescence lifetime increases by proceeding with ϕ anti‐clockwise from horizontal direction (ϕ = 0). The m = cos(ϕ) relationship for the “universal circle” conveniently understandable, for example, because the horizontal diameter of the circle is seen at 90° from all points of the circle, according to Thales' theorem. Points inside the “universal circle” obey the m < cos(ϕ) relationship, referring to ground‐state heterogeneity or the presence of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) for the donor (measured at the donor side). In these cases, the impulse response function of the system is composed only of positive amplitude components. However for excited state reactions such as solvent relaxation and FRET toward an acceptor (measured at the acceptor side), phasor points can also get outside of the circle, obeying the m > cos(ϕ) relationship (6, 7, 15). In the case of excited state reactions, the impulse response function contains also negative amplitude (pre‐exponential factor) component(s), representing indirect excitation by the molecular environment. Physical rotation can also be conceived as a special energy transfer process between the different orientations of the oscillating molecular dipole. The parallel polarized component of fluorescence decays via both the natural decay of the excited state, and via the molecule rotating out from the orientation of parallel emission. The corresponding phasor point falls inside the circle mimicking ground state heterogeneity. In contrast, the perpendicularly polarized component of fluorescence decays via the natural decay of the excited state, and via the molecule rotating into the orientation of perpendicular emission, the latter described by a negative amplitude, rendering the corresponding phasor point to fall outside of the circle, like for FRET toward the acceptor (16).

Fig 4
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Applications of phasor plots. (A) The perimeter of the universal circle represents the single exponential decay, exemplified by the black z1 = (m1, ϕ1) phasor. Because the viewing angle of the horizontal diameter of the circle is 90° for all points of the perimeter the m1 = cos(ϕ1) law is also valid. Inside the circle, the points represent ground state heterogeneity, for example, mixture of dyes, described by the sum of several exponentials of different decay times and amplitudes (pre‐exponential factors). For these points m2 < cos(ϕ2), exemplified by the green z2 = (m2, ϕ2) phasor. Outside of circle, points represent excited state reactions, for example, solvent relaxation, FRET toward acceptor, and rotations of the excited state dipole via physical rotation and homo‐FRET. In these cases m3 > cos(ϕ3), shown by the red z3 = (m3, ϕ3) phasor (15, 16). A conventional representation, resembling to the phasor plot, when the modulation lifetime is plotted against the phase lifetime in a τm vs. τph plot. Here, the single exponential decay corresponds to the 45° straight line. Points representing ground state heterogeneity and excited state reactions fall under and above it, respectively (15, 17). (B) An example for resolving ground state heterogeneity. Let two phasors the black z1, and the red z2 represent to different mixtures of two kinds of dye. Then from the u intersection and v slope of the fitting A = u + v·B straight line, the two lifetimes can be determined as urn:x-wiley:15524922:media:cytoa24223:cytoa24223-math-0001 as is first demonstrated by Refs. (12, 13). On the figure, u and v are exemplified as intersection points of the fitting dashed line with the A and B axes. (C) FRET trajectory on the donor side (18). The starting point of trajectory at zero FRET efficiency is the red donor phasor (zd), which means the mixture of the pure donor and the pure background. The end point of trajectory at c.a. 100% FRET efficiency is the black background phasor (zBg), which means the mixture of the not perfectly quenched donor and the pure background. The blue zE phasor indicates trajectory points at intermediate FRET efficiencies. These are also mixed phasor points determined by the quenched donor sample and the pure background. Generally the pure donor has the largest lifetime, and the pure background the smallest one.

Ground state heterogeneity and FRET from the donor can be distinguished via the geometrical shapes defined by the phasor points. For ground state heterogeneity, they constitute straight line intervals with the cutting points of their elongations with the circle giving the lifetimes of the mixed components (12, 13) (Fig. 4B). For FRET from the donor, phasor points constitute banana‐like curved geometrical shapes (18) (Fig. 4C). For an explanation of the latter, we should think of that, in the absence of FRET the phasor point is the mixture of pure donor and pure background phasors locating on the circle to left and to the right, dividing the connecting bisector according to the lever rule: the distance of the mixture point from one end point of the bisector is proportional to the fluorescence intensity for the opposite point. Because of this, the starting point is located to the left inside the circle, but close to the perimeter. The endpoint of the FRET trajectory is the mixture of the close to 100%‐quenched donor and background. The phasor point representing this mixture locates to the right, inside the circle, close to the perimeter. Besides, the starting and the end points are located such a way that their connecting intersection cuts the circle at the pure donor and background points. At intermediate FRET efficiencies the phasor is a mixture of the quenched donor and background points.

In their work, Nichani et al. (in this issue, page 1265) developed further the concept of FRET trajectory by sensitizing FRET for indicating the time evolution of a biological process called apoptosis. The development of apoptosis is indicated by the level of caspase‐3 enzyme, which in turn is indicated by a FRET probe via the degree of FRET relief achieved by scissoring by caspase‐3 the linker domain fusing together the donor and acceptor, the three forming an apoptosis‐indicating FRET bioprobe. In the bioprobe, engineered green fluorescent protein serves as FRET donor and Alexa Fluor‐546 as the acceptor. For truly indicating caspase‐3 levels, prerequisites are the high enough dynamic range ensured by the large starting FRET efficiency, the low enough bioprobe level for avoiding cross‐FRET contamination between the nearby intact probes as well as between the intact probes and the liberated acceptors and donors. There are also technical requirements such as the spectral purity of the donor channel. As they demonstrate, phasor plots can be advantageously exploited also in flow conditions at a single excitation frequency for real time tracking a signaling event. However, the true interpretation of the phasor plots requires also the precise knowledge of all components of the donor fluorescence.

The multiplexing capability of flow cytometry is well illustrated by the authors via correlating donor fluorescence lifetime with FRET‐channel fluorescence, as an indicator for the presence of acceptor in the bioprobes. In steady state flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, FRET efficiency is determined generally in a simple donor quenching experiment or in the ratiometric FRET scheme involving two or three signal channels. In the latter case, however, absolute FRET efficiency can only be determined in the knowledge of a calibrating factor called α (or G), responsible for balancing quantum efficiencies and collection efficiencies of fluorescence for the donor and acceptor (19). Direct measurement of FRET efficiency via fluorescence lifetime obviates the need for α. Alternatively, fluorescence lifetime might also aid in determining α, and consequently, instrumental spectroscopic parameters such as fluorescence transmission efficiencies, or absorption coefficient of the donor and acceptor prevailing in the cellular milieu. The α‐factor is also an important parameter for determining the donor‐acceptor molar ratio of the actual FRET sample in the ratiometric FRET scheme. Besides the role in FRET measurements, fluorescence lifetime has also an important role in converting fluorescence anisotropy values to rotational mobilities.

In fluorescence spectroscopy, phasor plots have first been introduced by D. Jameson and his colleagues, but before that, they were also applied in relaxation kinetics, chemical and dielectric, under the name of “Cole‐and‐Cole plots” (6, 7). Recently these plots have been revitalized by the fact that their usage greatly widens the applicability of single‐frequency fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and the realization that phasor plots can be applied not only in the frequency domain FLIM, but also in time domain FLIM (14, 18). Theoretically, patch‐clamping in electrophysiology might also be a field for a fruitful exploitation of the phasors. Based on the close correspondence between open ionic channels and excited dyes, the decay kinetics of open channels is described by the same formalism as those for fluorescing dyes, by taking over the role of fluorescence lifetime by the mean open time of channels. In addition to the model‐independent, that is, free of assumed functional form, characterization of channel kinetics, for example, collective behavior of channels (cooperativity), synchronization of channel openings—the counterparts of excited state dye interactions—as the function of their cluster size might be revealed by the graphical counterparts of the decay curves. Besides, the direct application of the phase‐modulation detection of currents, as an analogue of phase‐modulation FLIM, might also convey some extra information.

Homo‐FRET is a FRET process taking place between dyes of identical type having small Stokes' shift. In the limiting case of high excitation intensities close to saturation, homo‐FRET might be exchanged for interactions between excited dyes in close proximity, called super/sub‐radiance or super/sub‐fluorescence. In this case, radiative rate might be either increased or decreased due to emission dipole synchronization by the net effect of the dye local fields, the exciting light, the emitted fluorescence, and the morphology of the dye cluster (20). Even if the mean excited state lifetime of the dyes stays constant, the lifetime heterogeneity might increase manifesting in a broadening of lifetime distributions. Phasor plots might represent these events by an analogue broadening of distributions and falling points outside of the universal circle.

Taking together, flow cytometry made a leap‐forward with the introduction of spectacular representation of FRET‐processes in the complex plane of phasor plots.




相量图是荧光系统的荧光衰减曲线的图形替换。尽管文献(6、7)中已经很好地描述了相量图,但现在我们从一般系统和传播理论的角度对它进行了重铸。系统理论的方法是将被检查对象视为黑匣子,并根据引入黑匣子的信号形状的失真来推断黑匣子的结构(8) (图。1)。输入信号的形状在与黑匣子的元素相互作用时会失真。可以通过以无创方式仔细分析输出信号的形状失真来发现交互作用的类型和强度,而不必改变黑匣子的结构。黑匣子也可以被认为是一个信息信道,它影响由输入信号的形状表示的发送信息和由输出信号的形状表示的接收信息。为了具体起见,让我们首先提到一个LR电路(9)(图1的第一行)。在用方波脉冲激励电路时,所产生的电流将显示输入信号前后的平滑度,具体取决于松弛时间常数τ。弛豫时间表示系统抵抗扰动的惯性程度,在此由电感率与电阻比(L / R)(9)决定。作为第二个示例,让我们以显微镜物镜(图1的第二行)为例。放置在焦平面中的对象的矩形亮度分布的图像在图像平面中将不再是矩形,而是在边缘处或多或少地变得模糊。模糊程度由临界距离(d)或显微镜分辨率的倒数分辨能力,它由检测到的波长与物镜的数值孔径(10、11)之比决定。作为第三个例子,让我们在比色杯中取一个荧光染料溶液,该溶液由一个正方形波长的脉冲在合适的波长激发以激发荧光(图1第三行)。然后,诱发的荧光信号的形状也将显示染料溶液的变形特性。在信号的前面,由于光子的瞬时吸收而没有失真(10 -15s)。然而,在后,发射的一些延长被看作由激发的存储时间的约束,荧光寿命,τ,其又被定义为辐射和非辐射速率常数之和的倒数,ķ ˚Fķ NR,分别。


理解相量曲线的关键是观察到,如果已知系统对无限窄的激发脉冲(狄拉克或δ脉冲)的响应,则可以预测任何输入信号形状的黑盒输出信号(图。 2A)。该函数称为脉冲响​​应函数或权重函数ht),被视为系统的指纹(8-11)。它的意义在于,通过已知的知识,可以通过称为卷积的操作从数学上找出系统对于任何输入信号形状的响应。在卷积,每个特定0一的)值)函数由整个gt)函数的加权平均值代替,其中加权函数ht)以特定的t 0时间点为中心。此操作类似于用熨斗将衣服弄平:其中gt)是要去除折痕的布料,权重函数ht)是铁。一个重要的数学定理是卷积。它指出,任何卷积都可以转换为两个复数的乘积,即卷积量的所谓傅立叶变换,其结果是,黑盒的任何时间函数都可以通过两个中适当的几何特征呈现出来三维平面(8-11)。傅里叶变换的一个常见示例是通过棱镜或水滴将白光束分成不同颜色的子束分量。

相量图作为系统的脉冲响应函数的傅立叶变换的极坐标表示,也称为系统的传递函数。一个概念上的现象学插图(8-11)。(A)如果系统由无限薄的δ(t ')-脉冲激励,则输出信号形成为δ(t ')-脉冲与脉冲响应或权重函数htt '')反映系统的结构,在我们的情况下是纯染料的简单指数衰减。δ(t')-脉冲是这个卷积是相同的指数函数。如果使用除δ脉冲以外的其他激励功能,结果将有所不同。通常,只能通过将测得的衰减函数与假定的衰减形式进行数值拟合来确定衰减的模式以及相关的幅度(指数前因子)和衰减常数(寿命)。通过仅检查衰减曲线,几乎看不到衰减模式。卷积定理提供了一种幸运的替代方法,该定理指出,先前的卷积可以转换为复数的乘积,即卷积中各项的所谓傅立叶变换。这两个描述在形式上只是不同,但是它们的含义是等效的。(B)在频域中,上述卷积对应于δ脉冲的傅立叶变换(由Δ(ω)表示)和ht)冲激响应的傅立叶变换(由下式表示)的乘积由H(ω)δ脉冲的一个突出特性是它的傅里叶变换Δ(ω)是一个常数,即所有频率的单位。ht),H(ω)的傅立叶变换(称为传递函数),如果ht)是简单指数,则是倒数,即(1 / z)的类型,即H( ω)= 1 / z,其中z + 1 +  i  ∙  ω  ∙  τ。因为Δ(ω)是1,所以最终产品也是H(ω)。如果激励函数与δ脉冲不同(例如,更宽),则最终产品也将与H(ω)不同。传统上,上述H(ω)= 1 / z传递函数是通过在同一帧中分别绘制其幅度(模数)和相位部分(右侧的黑色和红色黄色阴影曲线)来可视化的。(C)相同的H(ω)复数(以前是由其模数和含相位指数乘积写成的),也可以表示为代表实部的余弦项和代表虚部的正弦项之和,即B和H(ω)的水平分量和垂直分量。H(ω)传递函数的这种表示形式称为AB图。



我们在上面介绍了相量图,作为系统传递函数的图形表示,而该传递函数又是通过系统冲激响应函数的傅立叶变换获得的。但是,可以在不对系统谐波激励的脉冲响应的功能形式进行任何假设的情况下,即在相位调制测量中在硬件级别执行傅里叶变换的情况下获得该信号(图3A) 。这里,无论是解调和相移可以从任一荧光响应曲线或在激发的圆频率相关联的解调相位曲线对(图3B)和AB-图(图3C)(ω确定0),由此也可以确定视在相位和解调寿命。

在谐波激励情况下的相量图。不仅可以用δ脉冲激励染料,还可以用谐波调制的光激励染料。输出的荧光信号也以相同的频率进行谐波调制,被解调(解调因子为m 0)并以相移(ϕ 0)滞后。可以直接从输出的荧光信号中读出解调和相移,这是AB图的必要成分。与δ脉冲激励相反,傅立叶变换现在在硬件级别完成。同时与δ-脉冲,激发被有效地在所有的频率同时进行,在这里是特别圆频率ω 0从无限连续体中挑选出来。因此,属于ω相量点0与相关联的相位和调制寿命直接得到在一起。该δ-脉冲激励,也可以以这种方式处理,如果δ脉冲被重复许多次,从而导致δ-梳激励与ω 0圆频率(14)。(Aft)荧光衰减是gt ')激发函数和htt ')脉冲响应函数的卷积,就像以前一样。可以看出,原来的E 0激发的振幅和零相位(左,绿色填充)变成E 0 · m 0振幅,ϕ 0相位(由红色填充表示)谐波荧光衰减(右,黄色填充)。系统的脉冲响应函数是单指数的,和以前一样(中间,黄色填充)。()为卷积的复杂的形式中,傅立叶变换激发的现在是δ函数居中在ω 0,由δ(ω-ω指定0)(左,绿色填充的),和的傅里叶变换脉冲响应函数与先前的H(ω)相同(中间,黄色填充)。当相乘时,δ(ω–ω0)是ħ(ω)代表所有圆频率应在ω=ω来计算0(由在右边,黄色填充图形)垂直红色箭头标记。通过重复对所有圆形频率有效的H(ω)的相位和调制分量来强调δ(ω–ω 0)的取频特性,并分别用实心和虚线垂直红色箭头标记特殊的相位和调制值。相比δ脉冲激励的情况下,可以看出,唯一的区别是,ħ(ω)在ω=ω现在指定0。(Ç)因此,对应AB情节还应在ω=ω取0(右,黄色填充,与固体红色双箭头标记的特殊阶段和一个双头虚线红色箭头标记属于ω此特殊调制0)。如上所述,通过重复对所有圆形频率有效的AB图,并用红色箭头标记的特殊相位和调制值,可以强调δ(ω–ω 0)的频率拾取特性。


我们在上面看到,A和B数量是复数传递函数的正交分量,复数传递函数是染料溶液的脉冲响应或重量函数的傅立叶变换。如果将A与B作图,那么复杂的平原可以分为三个区域(图4A)。对于具有单个荧光寿命的单一成分溶液有解调和相位之间的关系严格:= COS(φ。因此,相应的(φ)对构成一个圆,半径0.5的“通用圈”和原点的(0.5,0),在其上的荧光寿命增加通过程序与φ从水平方向逆时针(φ= 0)。所述= COS(φ为“通用圈”方便地理解的,例如关系,因为圆的水平直径被认为是在90℃从圆的所有点,根据泰勒斯定理。“通用圆”内的点服从m  <cos(ϕ关系,是指供体的基态异质性或Förster共振能量转移(FRET)的存在(在供体侧测量)。在这些情况下,系统的脉冲响应函数仅由正振幅分量组成。但是,对于激发态反应(例如溶剂弛豫和朝向受体的FRET(在受体侧测量)),相量点也可以到达圆之外,服从m  > cos(ϕ关系(6,7,15)。对于激发态反应,脉冲响应函数还包含负振幅(指数前因子)分量,表示分子环境的间接激发。物理旋转也可以被认为是在振荡分子偶极子的不同方向之间的一种特殊的能量转移过程。荧光的平行极化分量既通过激发态的自然衰减,也通过分子从平行发射方向旋转出来而衰减。相应的相量点位于模仿基态异质性的圆内。相比之下,荧光的垂直极化分量会通过激发态的自然衰减以及通过旋转为垂直发射方向的分子而衰减,16)。

相量图的应用。(A)通用圆的周长表示单个指数衰减,以黑色z 1 =(m 1ϕ 1)相量为例。因为对于圆周的所有点,圆的水平直径的视角都是90°,所以m 1 = cos(ϕ 1)定律也是有效的。在圆内部,这些点表示基态异质性,例如,染料的混合物,由不同衰减时间和幅度(指数前因子)的几个指数的总和来描述。对于这些点,m 2  <cos(ϕ 2),例如绿色的z 2 =(m 2ϕ 2)相量。在圆以外,点代表激发态反应,例如,溶剂弛豫,朝向受体的FRET以及激发态偶极子通过物理旋转和均FRET旋转。在这些情况下,m 3  > cos(ϕ 3),用红色z 3 =(m 3ϕ 3)相量(15,16)表示。常规表示,类似的相量图,当调制寿命是在作图相位寿命ττ ph值的情节。在此,单个指数衰减对应于45°直线。代表基态异质性和激发态反应的点分别位于其下方和上方(15、17)。(B)解决基态异质性的示例。让两个相量黑色z 1和红色z 2代表两种染料的不同混合物。然后,通过拟合A = u  +  v · B直线的u交点和v斜率,可以确定两个寿命,骨灰盒:x-wiley:15524922:media:cytoa24223:cytoa24223-math-0001如第一个参考文献所示。(12、13)。在图上,uv被例示为拟合虚线与A和B轴的交点。(C)供体侧(18)的FRET轨迹。在零FRET效率下,轨迹的起点是红色施主相量(z d),这意味着纯施主和纯背景的混合。在大约100%FRET效率下,轨迹的终点是黑色背景相量(z Bg),这意味着未完全淬灭的供体与纯背景的混合物。蓝色z E相量表示中等FRET效率的轨迹点。这些也是由淬灭的供体样品和纯背景确定的混合相量点。通常,纯供体的寿命最长,纯本底的寿命最小。


在他们的工作中,Nichani等人。(此问题,第XXX页)通过使FRET敏感,以指示称为凋亡的生物过程的时间演变,进一步发展了FRET轨迹的概念。凋亡的发展由caspase-3酶的水平指示,而FRET探针则通过caspase-3剪切连接体域将供体和受体融合在一起而实现的FRET缓解程度来指示FRET缓解指示凋亡的FRET生物探针。在生物探针中,工程绿色荧光蛋白充当FRET供体,Alexa Fluor‐546作为受体。为了真正指示caspase-3的水平,先决条件是足够大的动态FRET效率确保足够高的动态范围,足够低的生物探针水平,以避免附近完整探针之间以及完整探针与释放的受体和供体之间的交叉FRET污染。还存在技术要求,例如供体通道的光谱纯度。正如他们所证明的,相量图也可以在流动条件下以单个激发频率被有利地利用,以实时跟踪信号事件。但是,对相量图的真实解释还需要对供体荧光的所有成分有确切的了解。相量图还可以有利地在流动条件下以单个激励频率利用,以实时跟踪信令事件。但是,对相量图的真实解释还需要对供体荧光的所有成分有确切的了解。相量图还可以有利地在流动条件下以单个激励频率利用,以实时跟踪信令事件。但是,对相量图的真实解释还需要对供体荧光的所有成分有确切的了解。


In fluorescence spectroscopy, phasor plots have first been introduced by D. Jameson and his colleagues, but before that, they were also applied in relaxation kinetics, chemical and dielectric, under the name of “Cole‐and‐Cole plots” (6, 7). Recently these plots have been revitalized by the fact that their usage greatly widens the applicability of single‐frequency fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and the realization that phasor plots can be applied not only in the frequency domain FLIM, but also in time domain FLIM (14, 18). Theoretically, patch‐clamping in electrophysiology might also be a field for a fruitful exploitation of the phasors. Based on the close correspondence between open ionic channels and excited dyes, the decay kinetics of open channels is described by the same formalism as those for fluorescing dyes, by taking over the role of fluorescence lifetime by the mean open time of channels. In addition to the model‐independent, that is, free of assumed functional form, characterization of channel kinetics, for example, collective behavior of channels (cooperativity), synchronization of channel openings—the counterparts of excited state dye interactions—as the function of their cluster size might be revealed by the graphical counterparts of the decay curves. Besides, the direct application of the phase‐modulation detection of currents, as an analogue of phase‐modulation FLIM, might also convey some extra information.


