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Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on Asia-Europe relations
Asia Europe Journal ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10308-020-00575-2
Lay Hwee Yeo 1

We are facing an unprecedented challenge of containing the coronavirus, the fear and uncertainty that it is spreading and the catastrophic economic consequences of the lockdown measures taken by many nations. How we respond to these challenges will shape the future not only of our individual societies and nations but also the wider regional and global order. In the absence of US leadership, what can countries in Europe and Asia and regional organisations like the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) do to rebuild trust and institutions ravaged by the coronavirus? What will be the impact of Covid-19 on the connectivity agenda between Asia and Europe? Are we heading towards de-globalisation and what will be the future of Asia-Europe relations and the respective platforms such as the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) that connect them?



我们正面临着遏制冠状病毒的前所未有的挑战,它正在蔓延的恐惧和不确定性以及许多国家采取的封锁措施带来的灾难性经济后果。我们如何应对这些挑战不仅将塑造我们各个社会和国家的未来,还将塑造更广泛的区域和全球秩序。在没有美国领导的情况下,欧洲和亚洲国家以及欧盟(EU)和东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)等区域组织可以做些什么来重建被冠状病毒蹂躏的信任和机构?Covid-19 将对亚洲和欧洲之间的连通性议程产生什么影响?我们是否正在走向去全球化?亚欧关系以及连接它们的亚欧会议(ASEM)等各自平台的未来会是什么?