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Use Mascara : The Trajectory of COVID‐19 in the Favela Rocinha
City & Society Pub Date : 2020-05-30 , DOI: 10.1111/ciso.12296
Jessica Leigh Glass 1

The first words I heard people in my community speak of COVID-19 were, “Isso é doença de gente rica (this is an illness for rich people).” I live in Rocinha, the largest favela in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro, and by some estimates, in Brazil. As many people know, favelas are low-income Brazilian neighborhoods that are largely informally constructed and often neglected by the government. I am a PhD student in Latin American Studies, and I moved to Rio in July of 2019 to conduct ethnographic fieldwork on citizenship, identity, and the commodification of favelas and their residents. I moved to Rocinha specifically because my husband is from this community. Observing the local chronology of the coronavirus narrative and the responses that followed have become an unintentional, but necessary, addition to my research.


使用睫毛膏:Favela Rocinha 中 COVID-19 的轨迹

我在社区中听到人们谈到 COVID-19 的第一句话是:“Isso é doença de gente rica(这是富人的病)。” 我住在里约热内卢南区最大的贫民窟罗西尼亚,据估计,我住在巴西。正如许多人所知,贫民窟是巴西的低收入社区,大部分是非正式建造的,经常被政府忽视。我是拉丁美洲研究的博士生,我于 2019 年 7 月搬到里约,对贫民窟及其居民的公民身份、身份和商品化进行民族志实地考察。我搬到罗西尼亚是因为我丈夫来自这个社区。观察冠状病毒叙述的当地年表和随后的反应已成为我研究的一个无意但必要的补充。