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Nuclear Data Sheets for A=266,270,274,278,282,286,290,294,298
Nuclear Data Sheets ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2019.02.004
Balraj Singh

Spectroscopic information such as production, identification, half-lives, decay modes and possible excited states for experimentally known nuclides of mass numbers 266, 270, 274, 278, 282, 286, 290, 294, and 298 are presented together with the recommended values, superseding information and data in the previous ENSDF and NDS evaluation by 2005Gu33. No nuclides have yet been identified for A=302. In the last 14 years, large amounts of new and definitive data on the superheavy nuclides (SHN) have become available, thus changing almost entirely the landscape of nuclear data in this mass region, as also indicated by a number of recent review articles: 2017Og01, 2016Ho09, 2016Ho06 (for fission barriers), 2015Og05, 2015Og07, 2015Mo25, 2015OgZX, 2013Th02, and 2011Og07. See 2016Ka49 for IUPAC technical discussions for the discovery of Z=117 (Ts), Z=115 (Mc), Z=113 (Nh), 2001Ka70 and 2003Ka71 for Z=110-112, 2011Ba54 for Z≥113, 2009Ba62 for Z=112, and 2016Ka50 for Z=118 (Og). A special issue of Nuclear Physics A444 (2015) is devoted to research on superheavy elements (SHE) with 27 articles. In particular, see article by 2015Ko20 on mass spectrometric searches for superheavy elements in terrestrial matter. See also Proceedings of Nobel Symposium NS160 ‘Chemistry and Physics of Heavy and Superheavy Elements’ published in Eur. Phys. Jour. Web of Conferences 131 (2016), in particular 2016UtZZ, 2016DmZZ and 2016HoZY. See also 2016DuZX for future prospects of discovery of elements beyond Z=118

A=266: 266Db, 266Sg, 266Bh, 266Hs and 266Mt are the experimentally identified nuclides with A=266. Identification of 266Lr from α decay of 270Db has been proposed by 2014Kh04 from experiments at GSI, but complete details and analyses of all the four decay chains reported in this experiment have not yet been published, and discussion in 2015Og05 review article considering their work from Dubna (2013Og04, 2011Og04) and from GSI (2014Kh04) still concluded that 270Db decayed dominantly by SF mode, in contrast with dominant α decay mode proposed by 2014Kh04. Experiments carried out at FLNR-JINR-Dubna in collaboration with LLNL and ORNL, GSI-SHIP facility, RIKEN, and LBNL facilities: 266Db from the α-decay of 282Nh in two correlated decay chains at Dubna; 266Sg as α-daughter of 270Hs in 12 correlated decay chains at Dubna and GSI; 266Bh in α decay of 278Nh in three correlated decay chains observed at RIKEN, and also directly with one event in 249Bk(22Ne,5n) at LBNL, and with four events in 243Am(26Mg,3n) at HIRFL-Lanzhou; 266Hs as α-daughter of 270Ds at GSI in two different experiments, six correlated decays in the first, and 25 decay chains in the second experiment, the analysis of which has not been fully reported as yet; and 266Mt directly in 209Bi(58Fe,n) reaction at GSI in two different experiments, observing three events in the first experiment and 12 events in the second, also produced in 208Pb(59Co,n) reaction at LBNL, observing five correlated decay chains. See also 2000Ho27 for discussion on 266Sg and 266Mt.

A=270: 270Db, 270Bh, 270Hs, 270Mt and 270Ds are the experimentally identified nuclides with A=270 are presented. Experiments carried out at FLNR-JINR-Dubna in collaboration with LLNL and ORNL, GSI-SHIP facility, and RIKEN: 270Db from the decay of 294Ts in six correlated decay chains at Dubna and GSI; 270Bh as α great-granddaughter of 282Nh in two correlated decay chains observed at Dubna; 270Hs directly in 248Cm(26Mg,4n) reaction at GSI, and in 226Ra(48Ca,4n) reaction at Dubna; 270Mt as granddaughter of 278Ts in three correlated decay chains at RIKEN; and 270Ds directly in 207Pb(64Ni,n) at GSI in 33 correlated decay chains.

A=274: 274Bh, 274Mt and 274Rg are the experimentally identified nuclides with A=274. Search for 274Ds in 238U(40Ar, 4n),E=5.7 MeV/nucleon reaction and subsequent α decays at GSI (1990Sc11) proved negative. Experiments carried out at FLNR-JINR-Dubna in collaboration with LLNL and ORNL, GSI-SHIP facility, and RIKEN: 274Bh from the decay of 294Ts in six correlated decay chains at Dubna and GSI, 274Mt produced as α daughter of 282Nh in two correlated decay chains observed at Dubna, and 274Rg as α daughter of 278Nh produced in three correlated decay chains at RIKEN.

A=278: 278Mt, 278Rg and 278Nh are the experimentally identified nuclides with A=278. A very tentative evidence is provided for 278Bh and 278Hs from a chain originally observed and assigned to 289Fl by 1999Og10, but later reassigned by 2004Og10 to 290Fl, and further discussed in detail by 2016Ho09, where, based on systematics of α decays and SF half-lives, 290Fl is proposed to decay via ε mode to 290Nh, which then decays by an α chain, ending in 278Bh that decays by SF mode. Experiments carried out at FLNR-JINR-Dubna in collaboration with LLNL and ORNL labs in the USA, GSI-SHIP facility, and RIKEN: 278Mt from the decay of 294Ts in six correlated decay chains at Dubna and GSI, 278Rg produced as α daughter of 282Nh in two correlated decay chains observed at Dubna, and 278Nh produced directly in three correlated decay chains at RIKEN.

A=282: 282Rg, 282Cn and 282Nh are the experimentally identified nuclides with A=282. A very tentative evidence is provided for 282Mt and 282Ds from a chain originally observed and assigned to 289Fl by 1999Og10, but later reassigned by 2004Og10 to 290Fl, and further discussed in detail by 2016Ho09, where, based on systematics of α decays and SF half-lives, 290Fl is proposed to decay via ε mode to 290Nh, which then decays by an α chain, ending in 278Bh that decays by SF mode. Experiments carried out at FLNR-Dubna, in collaboration with LLNL and ORNL labs in the USA, and at GSI-SHIP facility confirm the identification of these isotopes, 282Rg in α decay chain of 294Ts in six correlated decay chains at Dubna and GSI, 282Cn produced in four ways at Dubna: independently in one correlated decay chain, as α daughter of 286Lv in 11 correlated decay chains, as α grand-daughter of 290Lv in 12 correlated decay chains, as α great-grand daughter of 294Og in four correlated decay chains, and 282Nh produced at Dubna directly in two correlated decay chains.

A=286: 286Nh and 286Fl are the only experimentally identified nuclides with A=286. A very tentative evidence is provided for 286Rg and 286Cn from a chain originally observed and assigned to 289Fl by 1999Og10, but later reassigned by 2004Og10 to 290Fl, and further discussed in detail by 2016Ho09, where, based on systematics of α decays and SF half-lives, 290Fl is proposed to decay via ε mode to 290Nh, which then decays by an α chain, ending in 278Bh that decays by SF mode. 2017Ka66 in experiments at RIKEN using GARIS separator interpret one correlated decay chain in three different ways, one involving possible production of 294Lv in 248Cm(48Ca,2n),E=261.6 MeV, and α decay to 290Fl which further decays to 286Cn. Experiments carried out at FLNR-Dubna, in collaboration with LLNL and ORNL labs in the USA, and at GSI-SHIP facility confirm the identification of these isotopes, 286Nh as α grand-daughter of 294Ts in six correlated decay chains, and 286Fl produced in three ways: independently in 11 correlated decay chains, as α daughter of 290Lv in 12 correlated decay chains, and as α grand-daughter of 294Og in four correlated decay chains.

A=290: 290Mc and 290Lv are the only experimentally identified nuclides with A=290. A tentative evidence is provided for 290Nh and 290Fl from a chain originally observed and assigned to 289Fl by 1999Og10, but later reassigned by 2004Og10 to 290Fl, and further discussed in detail by 2016Ho09, where, based on systematics of α decays and SF half-lives, 290Fl is proposed to decay via ε mode to 290Nh, which then decays by an α chain, ending in 278Bh that decays by SF mode. 2017Ka66 in experiments at RIKEN using GARIS separator interpret one correlated decay chain in three different ways, one involving possible production of 294Lv in 248Cm(48Ca,2n),E=261.6 MeV, and α decay to 290Fl. Experiments carried out at FLNR-Dubna, in collaboration with LLNL and ORNL labs in the USA, and at GSI-SHIP facility confirm the identification of these isotopes, 290Mc as α daughter of 294Ts in six correlated decay chains, and 290Lv produced in two ways, independently in 14 correlated decay chains, and as α daughter of 294Og in four correlated decay chains.

A=294: 294Ts and 294Og are the only experimentally identified nuclides with A=294. Experiments carried out at FLNR-Dubna, in collaboration with LLNL and ORNL labs in the USA, and at GSI-SHIP facility confirm the identification of these isotopes, with a total of six EVR-α-SF correlated decay chains observed for 294Ts and four for 294Og. Tentative identification of 294Lv is provided by 2017Ka66 from the observation one correlated event using GARIS-RIKEN facility, where this event is interpreted in three possible ways, two interpretations lead to production of 293Lv and successive odd-A nuclides of 289Fl, 285Cn and 281Ds, whereas the third prediction starts with the production of 294Lv and successive 290Fl and 286Cn nuclides. Search for 294Rg in natural gold materials (2011De03), and for 294Ds, 294Fl and 294Mc in natural Pt, Pb and Bi samples (2011De21) using accelerator mass spectroscopy (AMS) proved negative, with extremely low upper limits established. Also 1980St05 did not see any evidence for 294Ds in natural Pt sample using AMS.

A=298: Search for 298120 through fusion-evaporation reaction at Dubna, and for 298Fl and 298Mc in natural Pt, Pb and Bi samples using accelerator mass spectroscopy (AMS) proved negative. Tentative assignment of three α-α-α decay chains by 2016Ho09 to 299120 in 248Cm(54Cr,3n)299120 at GSI was refuted by 2017He11, assigning these correlations to random events, instead.

A=302: Fluorescent x rays from Z=120 element were observed by 2012Fr03 from compound nucleus 302120 produced in 238U(64Ni,X),E=6.6 MeV/nucleon at GANIL, and x-ray yields were measured, together with minimum average time deduced from x-ray multiplicity. The compound nucleus could decay by 3n- or 4n-channels to produce 299120 or 298120. 2012He05 and 2016Ho09 also produced 302120 compound nucleus in 248Cm(54Cr, xn)302120*,E=6.035 MeV/nucleon; and 238U(64Ni,xn)302120*,E=5.53 MeV/nucleon reactions using UNILAC at GSI. Three α-α-α correlated decays from 248Cm(54Cr,xn)302120* reaction were tentatively assigned by 2016Ho09 to 299120 decay, however, a detailed analysis by 2017He11 refuted this claim, ascribing these events to random sequences. There are no data tables for A=302.


A = 266,270,274,278,282,286,290,294,298的核数据表

给出了质量数为266、270、274、278、282、286、290、294和298的实验已知核素的光谱信息,例如产生,鉴定,半衰期,衰变模式和可能的激发态,以及建议值,并在2005Gu33之前的ENSDF和NDS评估中取代了信息和数据。尚未发现A = 302的核素。在过去的14年中,已经获得了有关超重核素(SHN)的大量新的权威性数据,从而几乎完全改变了该质量区域核数据的格局,正如最近的许多评论文章所指出的:2017Og01 ,2016Ho09、2016Ho06(用于裂变屏障),2015Og05、2015Og07、2015Mo25、2015OgZX,2013Th02和2011Og07。有关发现Z = 117(Ts)的IUPAC技术讨论,请参阅2016Ka49。Z = 115(Mc),Z = 113(Nh),Z = 110-112的2001Ka70和2003Ka71,Z≥113的2011Ba54,Z = 112的2009Ba62和Z = 118(Og)的2016Ka50。特刊《核物理》 A444(2015)专门研究超重元素(SHE),共有27篇文章。特别是,请参阅2015Ko20上有关质谱搜索地球物质中超重元素的文章。另请参阅在Eur上发表的Nobel Symposium NS160“重和超重元素的化学和物理”的论文集。物理 周杰伦 会议网络131(2016),尤其是2016UtZZ,2016DmZZ和2016HoZY。另请参阅2016DuZX了解Z = 118以外元素的未来发现前景 特刊《核物理》 A444(2015)专门研究超重元素(SHE),共有27篇文章。特别是,请参阅2015Ko20上有关质谱搜索地球物质中超重元素的文章。另请参阅在Eur上发表的Nobel Symposium NS160“重和超重元素的化学和物理”的论文集。物理 周杰伦 会议网络131(2016),尤其是2016UtZZ,2016DmZZ和2016HoZY。另请参阅2016DuZX了解Z = 118以外元素的未来发现前景 特刊《核物理》 A444(2015)专门研究超重元素(SHE),共有27篇文章。特别是,请参阅2015Ko20上有关质谱搜索地球物质中超重元素的文章。另请参见在Eur上发表的Nobel Symposium NS160“重和超重元素的化学与物理”的论文集。物理 周杰伦 会议网络131(2016),尤其是2016UtZZ,2016DmZZ和2016HoZY。另请参阅2016DuZX了解Z = 118以外元素的未来发现前景 2016DmZZ和2016HoZY。另请参阅2016DuZX了解Z = 118以外元素的未来发现前景 2016DmZZ和2016HoZY。另请参阅2016DuZX了解Z = 118以外元素的未来发现前景

A = 266266 Db,266 Sg,266 Bh,266 Hs和266 Mt是实验确定的A = 266核素。2014年Kh04在GSI的实验中提出了从270 Db的α衰变中鉴定266 Lr的方法,但该实验报告的所有四个衰变链的完整细节和分析尚未公布,并在2015Og05评论文章中讨论了它们的工作来自Dubna(2013Og04,2011Og04)和GSI(2014Kh04)的结论仍然得出结论,与显性α相比,SF模式显着衰减了270 Db衰减模式由2014Kh04提出。在FLNR-JINR-Dubna与LLNL和ORNL,GSI-SHIP设施,RIKEN和LBNL设施合作进行的实验:282 Nh的α衰变产生266 Db,位于Dubna的两个相关衰变链中;在Dubna和GSI的12条相关衰变链中,266 Sg为270 Hs的α-子; 266了Bh在α衰变278新罕布什尔在三个相关衰变链在RIKEN与一个事件观察到,也可以直接在249 BK(22在LBNL氖,5N),并与四个事件243 AM(26在HIRFL的Mg,3N) -兰州;在两个不同的实验中,GSI的266 Hs是270 Ds的α-子,在第一个实验中有六个相关的衰变,在第二个实验中有25个衰变链,有关分析尚未完全报道。在两个不同的实验中,分别在GSI的209 Bi(58 Fe,n)反应中和266 Mt的反应,观察到第一个实验中的三个事件和第二个实验中的12个事件,也在LBNL的208 Pb(59 Co,n)反应中产生,观察五个相关的衰减链。有关266 Sg和266 Mt的讨论,另请参见2000Ho27 。

A = 270270 Db,270 Bh,270 Hs,270 Mt和270 Ds是实验鉴定出的A = 270的核素。在FLNR-JINR-Dubna与LLNL和ORNL,GSI-SHIP设施和RIKEN合作进行的实验:来自Dubna和GSI六个相关衰变链中294 Ts衰变的270 Db ;在杜布纳观察到的两个相关的衰变链中,作为282 Nh的α大孙女为270 Bh ;在GSI的248 Cm(26 Mg,4n)反应中和226中直接产生270 HsDubna的Ra(48 Ca,4n)反应; 在RIKEN的三个相关衰变链中,作为278 Ts的孙女为270 Mt ;和270个Ds的直接在207铅(64在GSI的Ni,n)的在33支相关衰变链。

A = 274274 Bh,274 Mt和274 Rg是实验确定的A = 274的核素。在238 U(40 Ar,4n)中搜索274 Ds ,E = 5.7 MeV /核子反应,随后在GSI(1990Sc11)处的α衰变被证明是阴性的。在FLNR-JINR-Dubna上与LLNL和ORNL,GSI-SHIP设施和RIKEN合作进行的实验:来自Dubna和GSI六个相关衰变链中294 Ts衰变的274 Bh ,产生了274 Mt作为282的α子在杜布纳观测到的两个相关衰变链中的Nh在RIKEN的三个相关衰变链中产生了278 Rh的α子代,为274 Rg 。

A = 278278 Mt,278 Rg和278 Nh是实验确定的A = 278的核素。从最初观察到的链到278 Bh和278 Hs提供了非常初步的证据,到1999Og10分配给289 Fl,后来由2004Og10分配给290 Fl,并在2016Ho09进一步详细讨论,其中基于α衰变的系统和SF半衰期,建议290 Fl通过ε模式衰减至290 Nh,然后通过α链衰减,最终以278SF模式衰减的Bh。实验在FLNR-JINR-杜布纳协同在美国,GSI-SHIP设施LLNL和ORNL实验室进行,RIKEN:278从衰变山294个TS在六个相关衰变链在杜布纳和GSI,278 RG制造在杜布纳观察到的两个相关衰变链中的282 Nh的α子代,在RIKEN的三个相关衰变链中直接产生278 Nh。

A = 282282 Rg,282 Cn和282 Nh是实验确定的A = 282的核素。提供了一个非常初步的证据,来自最初观察到的链中的282 Mt和282 Ds,最初由1999Og10分配给289 Fl,后来由2004Og10分配给290 Fl,并在2016Ho09进行了详细讨论,其中基于α衰变的系统和SF半衰期,建议290 Fl通过ε模式衰减至290 Nh,然后通过α链衰减,最终以278SF模式衰减的Bh。在FLNR-Dubna与美国LLNL和ORNL实验室合作进行的实验以及在GSI-SHIP设施中进行的实验证实,在Dubna和GSI的六个相关衰变链中,在294 Ts的α衰变链中鉴定了这些同位素282 Rg。,282的C n四种方式产生在杜布纳:独立地在一个相关的衰变链,作为α的女儿286吕11支相关衰变链,作为α的孙女290在12支相关衰变链艹,作为α的大-孙女四个相关的衰变链中的294 Og,和282Nh在杜布纳直接在两个相关的衰变链中产生。

A = 286286 Nh和286 F1是仅有的实验确定的A = 286的核素。从最初观察到的链到286 Rg和286 Cn提供了非常初步的证据,到1999Og10分配给289 Fl,后来由2004Og10分配给290 Fl,到2016Ho09进一步详细讨论,其中基于α衰变的系统和SF半衰期,建议290 Fl通过ε模式衰减至290 Nh,然后通过α链衰减,最终以278SF模式衰减的Bh。2017Ka66在RIKEN的实验中使用GARIS分离器以三种不同方式解释了一条相关的衰变链,一种涉及在248 Cm(48 Ca,2n)中可能产生294 Lv ,E = 261.6 MeV,而α衰变至290 Fl,进一步衰变为286人民币 在FLNR-Dubna与美国LLNL和ORNL实验室合作以及在GSI-SHIP设施上进行的实验证实了这些同位素的鉴定,在六个相关的衰变链中,286 Nh是294 Ts的α孙女,286 F1以三种方式产生:独立地在11个相关的衰变链中12条相关的衰变链中的290 Lv的α子代,四个相关的衰变链中的294 Og的α的孙女。

A = 290290 Mc和290 Lv是仅有的实验确定的A = 290的核素。从最初观察到的链中给出了290 Nh和290 Fl的初步证据,到1999Og10分配给289 Fl,后来由2004Og10分配给290 Fl,并在2016Ho09进一步详细讨论,其中基于α衰变和SF半衰期为290 Fl,建议通过ε模式衰减至290 Nh,然后通过α链衰减,最终以278SF模式衰减的Bh。2017年Ka66在RIKEN的实验中使用GARIS分离器以三种不同方式解释了一条相关的衰变链,一种涉及在248 Cm(48 Ca,2n)中可能产生294 Lv ,E = 261.6 MeV,而α衰变至290 Fl。在FLNR-Dubna与美国LLNL和ORNL实验室合作以及在GSI-SHIP设施上进行的实验证实了这些同位素的鉴定,其中290 Mc为6条相关衰变链中294 Ts的α子代,产生了290 Lv有两种方式,分别在14条相关的衰变链中,并作为294的αOg在四个相关的衰变链中。

A = 294294 Ts和294 Og是仅有的实验确定的A = 294的核素。在FLNR-Dubna与美国LLNL和ORNL实验室合作进行的实验以及在GSI-SHIP设施上进行的实验证实了这些同位素的鉴定,总共观察到6条与EVR- α- SF相关的衰变链,共计294 Ts。四个为294克。到2017Ka66为止,利用GARIS-RIKEN设施从一个相关事件的观测值中初步鉴定了294 Lv,该事件以三种可能的方式解释,两种解释导致产生293 Lv和连续的奇A核素289。FL,285 Cn与281个DS,而第三预测与生产开始294 Lv和连续290 F1和286的C n核素。搜索294 RG在天然金材料(2011De03),以及用于294个DS,294 F1和294了Mc天然的Pt,Pb和Bi样品中(2011De21)使用加速器质谱(AMS)被证明负,既定极低上限。同样,使用AMS在1980Pt5的天然Pt样品中也没有发现294 Ds的任何证据。

= 298:搜索298 120通过在杜布纳熔合蒸发反应,以及用于298 F1和298了Mc使用加速器质谱(AMS)被证明负天然的Pt,Pb和Bi样品英寸 2017He11驳回了2016Ho09到GSI 248 Cm(54 Cr,3n)299 120中三个α - α - α衰变链的暂定分配到299 120的假设,2017He11反驳了,而是将这些相关性分配给了随机事件。

= 302:从Z = 120元素荧光X射线通过2012Fr03观察到复合核302中制备120 238 U(64测定的Ni,X)在GANIL,E = 6.6兆电子伏/核子,和x射线的产率,一起根据X射线多重性得出的平均时间最短。复合核可以通过3N-或4N通道衰减,以产生299 120或298 120 2012He05和2016Ho09也产生302个120化合物在核248厘米(54的Cr,xn)映射302 120 *,E = 6.035兆电子伏/核子; 和238 U(64的Ni,xn)映射302 120*,E = 5.53MeV /核子反应,使用UNILAC在GSI。三个α - α - α从相关衰变248厘米(54的Cr,xn)映射302 120 *反应中暂时由2016Ho09分配给299 120衰减,但是,通过2017He11详细分析反驳该权利要求,归咎于这些事件随机序列。没有用于A = 302的数据表。
