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Evolution and reversal of topological edge states at optical frequencies from a two-dimensional photonic crystal
Journal of Optics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: 10.1088/2040-8986/abae78
Yiheng Wu 1 , Xiaoxue Li 2 , Yuntuan Fang 2

The nonreciprocal, defect-immune and backscatter suppression of topological waveguides will play an important role in future optical communication systems. For a long time, researchers have studied such waveguides through magneto-optical media. On one hand, for gyromagnetic media, they have a large magneto-optical effect, but also have large losses at high frequencies; on the other hand, for gyroelectric media, they have small losses at optical frequencies, but their magneto-optical effect is too small. In this paper, we study a magneto-optical photonic crystal (PC) based on a metamaterial design with gyroelectric media, ordinary media and metal. The PC not only can work at optical frequencies, but it also has a large magneto-optical effect. From the PC, we have found some unique properties of non-trivial topological edge states. Different from the ordinary topological edge states that result from the broken band gap from the band degeneration, the topological edge states in the...


