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Correspondence between Breeding Values of the Same Pinus taeda L. Genotypes from Clonal Trials and Half-Sib Seedling Progeny Trials
Forest Science ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1093/forsci/fxaa016
Mohammad Nasir Shalizi 1 , Salvador Alejandro Gezan 2 , Steven E McKeand 1 , Joshua R Sherrill 3 , W Patrick Cumbie 1, 4 , Ross W Whetten 1 , Fikret Isik 1

The correspondence between breeding values of 65 loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) genotypes from clonal genetic tests and half-sib seedling progeny tests was studied in the southern United States. The two experiments were established separately, 10 years apart. Additive genetic variance estimates from clonal tests were larger compared with the estimates from the half-sib progeny tests, regardless of the covariance structure used in the statistical models and the traits. However, clone-mean and half-sib family-mean heritability estimates were comparable for all traits, ranging between 0.88 and 0.99. Based on the independent analysis, the correlation between the breeding values of the same genotypes from two propagule types was moderate (0.59) for tree height and stem volume. The combined analysis resulted in a strong genetic correlation (>0.93) between the breeding values of two propagule types. Herein the large discrepancy is mainly the outcome of different data analytical approaches. Conclusively, selecting genotypes for deployment based on clonal testing may not be optimal, but forest tree breeders can use the results from clonal tests to make some informed decisions.



繁殖的65值火炬松(之间的对应关系火炬松在美国南部研究了来自克隆基因测试和半同胞幼苗后代测试的L.)基因型。这两个实验是分开建立的,相隔10年。与半同胞子代测试相比,克隆测试得出的加性遗传方差估计值更大,而与统计模型和性状中使用的协方差结构无关。但是,所有性状的克隆平均值和半同胞家族平均值遗传力估计值均相当,范围在0.88至0.99之间。基于独立分析,两种繁殖体的相同基因型的育种值之间的相关性在树高和茎量上为中度(0.59)。组合分析导致两种繁殖体的育种值之间具有很强的遗传相关性(> 0.93)。在此,大的差异主要是不同数据分析方法的结果。最后,基于克隆测试选择基因型进行部署可能不是最佳选择,但是林木育种者可以使用克隆测试的结果做出一些明智的决定。