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RomUkrSeis: Seismic model of the crust and upper mantle across the Eastern Carpathians – From the Apuseni Mountains to the Ukrainian Shield
Tectonophysics ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228620
Vitaly Starostenko , Tomasz Janik , Victor Mocanu , Randell Stephenson , Tamara Yegorova , Tatiana Amashukeli , Wojciech Czuba , Piotr Środa , Anna Murovskaya , Katerina Kolomiyets , Dmytro Lysynchuk , Jan Okoń , Alina Dragut , Victor Omelchenko , Olga Legostaieva , Dmytro Gryn , James Mechie , Anatoly Tolkunov

Abstract RomUkrSeis is a controlled source wide-angle reflection and refraction (WARR) profile acquired in August 2014. It is 675 km long, running roughly SW-NE from the Apuseni Mountains in Romania and the Transylvanian Basin, crossing the arc of the Eastern Carpathian orogen and terminating in the East European Craton (EEC) in SW Ukraine. Well-constrained 2-D ray-tracing P- and partly S-wave velocity models have been constructed along the profile from 348 single-component seismic recorders and eleven shot points. The Eastern Carpathian arc formed in the Cenozoic and have obscured the pre-existing Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ), which is a transition zone between the Precambrian EEC and continental terranes accreted to it from the southwest in the Palaeozoic. The TTZ is characterised by low-velocity through its entire crust (6.0–6.3 km/s) and a considerable width (~140 km). It is interpreted as EEC crust stretched during rifting and continental margin formation in the Neoproterozoic and early Palaeozoic. The crust of the TTZ has a “trough in trough” structure wherein an upper body of ~40 km width comprising Outer Carpathian (Vp 4.9 km/s) and Late Palaeozoic-Mesozoic (Vp 5.4 km/s) units to 15 km depth lies above a wider, deeper one of inferred Neoproterozoic-early Palaeozoic strata. The crust of the Transylvanian Basin and Apuseni Mountains is relatively thin (~32 km). A high-velocity body at 4–12 km depth in this area is interpreted as a rootless fragment of an ophiolite complex exposed at the surface in this area. The lower crust beneath the Transylvanian Basin displays higher velocities than adjacent segments. Moho topography is strongly differentiated along the profile, varying from 32 to 50 km. The Moho shape, especially in the area between the Inner and Outer Carpathians, suggests a NE dip and, hence, thrusting of the Tisza-Dacia lowermost crustal and upper mantle units under the TTZ domain which, in turn, could be thrust under the cratonic (EEC) block.



摘要 RomUkrSeis 是 2014 年 8 月获得的受控源广角反射和折射 (WARR) 剖面。它长 675 公里,从罗马尼亚的阿普塞尼山脉和特兰西瓦尼亚盆地开始大约西南-东北方向,穿过东喀尔巴阡山脉的弧线造山带并终止于乌克兰西南部的东欧克拉通 (EEC)。已沿剖面从 348 个单分量地震记录仪和 11 个炮点构建了约束良好的二维射线追踪 P 波和部分 S 波速度模型。东喀尔巴阡弧形成于新生代,掩盖了先前存在的 Teisseyre-Tornquist 带 (TTZ),该带是前寒武纪 EEC 与古生代西南部向其上堆积的大陆地体之间的过渡带。TTZ 的特点是低速穿过其整个地壳 (6.0-6. 3 公里/秒)和相当大的宽度(~140 公里)。它被解释为在新元古代和早古生代的裂谷和大陆边缘形成期间,EEC 地壳伸展。TTZ 地壳具有“槽中槽”结构,其中约 40 公里宽的上体由外喀尔巴阡 (Vp 4.9 km/s) 和晚古生代-中生代 (Vp 5.4 km/s) 单元组成,深度为 15 km在推断的新元古代-早古生代地层中更宽、更深的地层之上。特兰西瓦尼亚盆地和阿普塞尼山脉的地壳相对较薄(~32 公里)。该地区 4-12 公里深度的一个高速物体被解释为该地区地表暴露的蛇绿岩复合体的无根碎片。特兰西瓦尼亚盆地下方的下地壳显示出比相邻地段更高的速度。莫霍面地形沿剖面强烈分化,从 32 到 50 公里不等。莫霍面形状,尤其是在内喀尔巴阡山脉和外喀尔巴阡山脉之间的区域,表明存在 NE 倾角,因此,将 Tisza-Dacia 最下地壳和上地幔单元推入到 TTZ 域下,而后者又可能被推入到克拉通之下(EEC) 块。