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Numerical simulation of ignition of a typical gel fuel particle, based on organic polymer thickener, in a high-temperature air medium
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.09.004
D.O. Glushkov , A.G. Kosintsev , G.V. Kuznetsov , V.S. Vysokomorny

Abstract Using the results of previous experimental research by means of high-speed video recording, a mathematical model of ignition was developed for a typical gel fuel particle, based on an organic polymer thickener, in a high-temperature motionless air medium. The structure of such fuel is a rather dense polymer matrix with fine droplets of combustible liquid in the cells. The advantages of gel fuels over liquid rocket propellants dictate their prospects as an energy resource in aerospace industry. The mathematical model of the process under study was developed using the mathematical tools of continuum mechanics and chemical kinetics. It is represented by a system of time-dependent nonlinear partial differential equations with the corresponding initial and boundary conditions. The developed mathematical model describes the process in terms of a limiting mode: the rate of heat supply from the source to the fuel and combustible gas-vapor mixture is limited. This implies that the typical heating time is much longer than the time of chemical reactions. In this case, the factors limiting the process intensity are heat supply and diffusion. Exothermic reactions can be assumed to develop in equilibrium with due consideration of corresponding conditions in the gas medium around the fuel particle. Satisfactory verification results for the mathematical model and numerical algorithm made is possible to conclude that this approach can be used to reliably predict the ignition characteristics of such kind of gel fuels. Gel particles 0.25–2.00 mm in size were considered. They were heated in an air medium at 750–1473 K. The ignition delay times under such conditions ranged from 0.3 to 10.0 s.



摘要 利用以往高速录像实验研究的结果,建立了一种基于有机聚合物增稠剂的典型凝胶燃料颗粒在高温静止空气介质中的点火数学模型。这种燃料的结构是一种相当致密的聚合物基质,在电池中带有细小的可燃液体液滴。凝胶燃料相对于液体火箭推进剂的优势决定了它们作为航空航天工业能源的前景。所研究过程的数学模型是使用连续介质力学和化学动力学的数学工具开发的。它由具有相应初始条件和边界条件的瞬态非线性偏微分方程组表示。开发的数学模型根据限制模式描述了该过程:从源到燃料和可燃气体 - 蒸汽混合物的热供应速率是有限的。这意味着典型的加热时间比化学反应的时间长得多。在这种情况下,限制工艺强度的因素是供热和扩散。适当考虑燃料颗粒周围气体介质中的相应条件,可以假设放热反应在平衡状态下发展。数学模型和数值算法的验证结果令人满意,可以得出结论,该方法可以可靠地预测此类凝胶燃料的点火特性。考虑了尺寸为 0.25-2.00 毫米的凝胶颗粒。它们在 750-1473 K 的空气介质中加热。