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Ties between Parametrically Polymorphic Type Systems and Finite Control Automata
arXiv - CS - Programming Languages Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: arxiv-2009.04437
Joseph Gil, Ori Roth

We present a correspondence and bisimulation between variants of parametrically polymorphic type systems and variants of finite control automata, such as FSA, PDA, tree automata and Turing machine. Within this correspondence we show that two recent celebrated results on automatic generation of fluent API are optimal in certain senses, present new results on the studied type systems, formulate open problems, and present potential software engineering applications, other than fluent API generation, which may benefit from judicious use of type theory.



我们提出了参数多态类型系统的变体与有限控制自动机的变体(例如 FSA、PDA、树自动机和图灵机)之间的对应和互模拟。在这种对应关系中,我们表明最近两个著名的关于自动生成 fluent API 的结果在某些意义上是最佳的,在研究的类型系统上提出了新的结果,制定了开放问题,并提出了潜在的软件工程应用程序,除了 fluent API 生成,这可能从明智地使用类型理论中受益。