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Sequenced Route Query with Semantic Hierarchy
arXiv - CS - Databases Pub Date : 2020-09-08 , DOI: arxiv-2009.03776
Yuya Sasaki, Yoshiharu Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Makoto Onizuka

The trip planning query searches for preferred routes starting from a given point through multiple Point-of-Interests (PoI) that match user requirements. Although previous studies have investigated trip planning queries, they lack flexibility for finding routes because all of them output routes that strictly match user requirements. We study trip planning queries that output multiple routes in a flexible manner. We propose a new type of query called skyline sequenced route (SkySR) query, which searches for all preferred sequenced routes to users by extending the shortest route search with the semantic similarity of PoIs in the route. Flexibility is achieved by the {\it semantic hierarchy} of the PoI category. We propose an efficient algorithm for the SkySR query, bulk SkySR algorithm that simultaneously searches for sequenced routes and prunes unnecessary routes effectively. Experimental evaluations show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the existing approaches in terms of response time (up to four orders of magnitude). Moreover, we develop a prototype service that uses the SkySR query, and conduct a user test to evaluate its usefulness.



旅行计划查询搜索从给定点开始到多个符合用户要求的兴趣点 (PoI) 的首选路线。尽管之前的研究调查了旅行计划查询,但它们缺乏查找路线的灵活性,因为它们都输出严格符合用户要求的路线。我们研究以灵活方式输出多条路线的旅行计划查询。我们提出了一种称为天际线顺序路线(SkySR)查询的新型查询,它通过使用路线中 PoI 的语义相似性扩展最短路线搜索来搜索用户的所有首选顺序路线。灵活性是通过 PoI 类别的 {\it 语义层次} 实现的。我们为 SkySR 查询提出了一种有效的算法,批量 SkySR 算法,可同时搜索已排序的路线并有效修剪不必要的路线。实验评估表明,所提出的方法在响应时间(最多四个数量级)方面明显优于现有方法。此外,我们开发了一个使用 SkySR 查询的原型服务,并进行了用户测试以评估其实用性。