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Fluctuation relations for systems in a constant magnetic field
Physical Review E ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: 10.1103/physreve.102.030101
Alessandro Coretti , Lamberto Rondoni , Sara Bonella

The validity of the fluctuation relations (FRs) for systems in a constant magnetic field is investigated. Recently introduced time-reversal symmetries that hold in the presence of static electric and magnetic fields and of deterministic thermostats are used to prove the transient FRs without invoking, as commonly done, inversion of the magnetic field. Steady-state FRs are also derived, under the t-mixing condition. These results extend the predictive power of important statistical mechanics relations. We illustrate this via the nonlinear response for the cumulants of the dissipation, showing how the alternative FRs enable one to determine analytically null cumulants also for systems in a single magnetic field.


