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Modeling and analysis of coagulation coefficient of bipolarly charged particles in a composite magnetoelectric field
Particulate Science and Technology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: 10.1080/02726351.2020.1815258
Junzhou Wu 1 , Yong Wang 2 , Han Huang 3


To improve the efficiency of submicron-scale dust coagulation and removal further, a method for the magnetoelectric coagulation of submicron dust is proposed for the first time. When positively and negatively charged particles enter a compound field composed of magnetic field and direct current (DC) electric field at a certain speed (under the combined action of the Lorentz force and electric field force), they undergo spiral motion then collide and coagulate. The mathematical model of the coagulation of bipolarly charged particles in a composite magnetoelectric field is established, and the expression for the coagulation coefficient is obtained. Through the simulation of the coagulation coefficient, it is concluded that for PM1, the coagulation coefficient in the composite magnetoelectric field is increased by more than 20% compared with that in the DC electric field. The coagulation coefficient of bipolarly charged particles in the composite magnetoelectric field is positively correlated with the electric field strength, magnetic induction, and time for collision to occur, while it is negatively correlated with the particle density.




为进一步提高亚微米级粉尘的凝聚和去除效率,首次提出了一种亚微米级粉尘的磁电凝聚方法。当带正电和负电的粒子以一定的速度(在洛伦兹力和电场力的共同作用下)进入由磁场和直流(DC)电场组成的复合场时,它们会发生螺旋运动,然后碰撞并凝结。建立了复合磁电场中双极带电粒子凝聚的数学模型,得到了凝聚系数的表达式。通过对凝结系数的模拟,得出结论,对于 PM1,复合磁电场中的凝聚系数比直流电场中的凝聚系数提高20%以上。复合磁电场中双极带电粒子的凝聚系数与电场强度、磁感应强度和碰撞发生时间呈正相关,与粒子密度呈负相关。
