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Extremal Theory of Locally Sparse Multigraphs
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: 10.1137/19m1237612
Dhruv Mubayi , Caroline Terry

SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Volume 34, Issue 3, Page 1922-1943, January 2020.
An $(n,s,q)$-graph is an $n$-vertex multigraph where every set of $s$ vertices spans at most $q$ edges. In this paper, we determine the maximum product of the edge multiplicities in $(n,s,q)$-graphs if the congruence class of $q$ modulo ${s\choose 2}$ is in a certain interval of length about $3s/2$. The smallest case that falls outside this range is $(s,q)=(4,15)$, and here the answer is $a^{n^2+o(n^2)}$, where $a$ is transcendental assuming Schanuel's conjecture. This could indicate the difficulty of solving the problem in full generality. Many of our results can be seen as extending work by Bondy and Tuza [J. Graph Theory, 25 (1997), pp. 267--275] and Füredi and Kündgen [J. Graph Theory, 40 (2002), pp. 195--225] about sums of edge multiplicities to the product setting. We also prove a variety of other extremal results for $(n,s,q)$-graphs, including product-stability theorems. These results are of additional interest because they can be used to enumerate $(n,s,q)$-graphs. Our work therefore extends many classical enumerative results in extremal graph theory beginning with the Erdös--Kleitman--Rothschild theorem [Asymptotic enumeration of $K\sb{n}$-free graphs, in Colloquio Internazionale sulle Teorie Combinatorie (Rome, 1973), Tomo II, Atti dei Convegni Lincei 17, Accad. Naz. Lincei, Rome, 1976, pp. 19--27] to multigraphs.



$(n,s,q)$图是$ n $顶点多图,其中每组$ s $顶点最多跨越$ q $边。在本文中,如果$ q $模$ {s \ choose 2} $的同余类在一定的长度范围内,我们将确定$(n,s,q)$图中边缘多重性的最大乘积$ 3s / 2 $。超出此范围的最小情况是$(s,q)=(4,15)$,这里的答案是$ a ^ {n ^ 2 + o(n ^ 2)} $,其中$ a $是先验的假设了尚可尔的猜想。这可能表明难以全面解决问题。我们的许多结果可以看作是邦迪和图萨[J. 图论,25(1997),pp。267--275]和Füredi和Kündgen[J. 图论,40(2002),195--225页]。我们还证明了$(n,s,q)$-图的各种其他极值结果,包括产品稳定性定理。这些结果引起了额外的兴趣,因为它们可用于枚举$(n,s,q)$图形。因此,我们的工作扩展了极值图论中的许多经典枚举结果,从Erdös-Kleitman-Rothschild定理[无$ K \ sb {n} $无图的渐近枚举开始,在Colloquio Internazionale sulle Teorie Combinatorie中(罗马,1973年) ,托莫二世,阿蒂·德·孔韦尼·朗塞17岁,阿卡德。纳兹 连塞,罗马,1976年,第19--27页]。于1973年在罗马国立国际电影学院Teorie Combinatorie(罗马,1973年),托莫二世,阿蒂·德·戴·康维尼·利塞西17岁。纳兹 连塞,罗马,1976年,第19--27页]。于1973年在罗马国立国际电影学院Teorie Combinatorie(罗马,1973年),托莫二世,阿蒂·德·戴·康维尼·利塞西17岁。纳兹 连塞,罗马,1976年,第19--27页]。