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Pollen assemblage and environmental DNA changes: A 4300-year-old bat guano deposit from Jamaica
Quaternary International ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.09.003
W. Bogdanowicz , Elżbieta Worobiec , C. Grooms , L.E. Kimpe , J.P. Smol , R.S. Stewart , E. Suchecka , J.J. Pomorski , J.M. Blais , E.L. Clare , M.B. Fenton

Abstract The discovery of two undisturbed caves in Jamaica with 14C and 210Pb dating indicating that the oldest layers of guano were ca. 200 years old in the first cave (81 cm long core), and as much as 4300 years old in the second cave (129 cm long core) provides exciting possibilities to examine past ecological communities. We analyzed genetic and pollen profiles in these ancient bat guano deposits and revealed DNA sequences most similar to arthropods, mainly insects such as caddisflies (Trichoptera), butterflies (Lepidoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera), suggesting a potential source for past dietary data. Palynological analysis failed to recover well-preserved pollen grains and spores older than ca. 200 years, however in layers preserving pollen, angiosperms were the most abundant plants observed, with a regular occurrence of the potato (Solanaceae) and pepper families (Piperaceae), which are frequently bat-dispersed. In general, changes in frequency of particular plant taxa appear to reflect changes of vegetation and land use in the cave vicinity; however, some changes could be linked to hurricanes, leading to forest canopy damage and promoting the growth of light-demanding species such as guarumo (Cecropia). Higher amounts of mangrove (Rhizophora) pollen have also been recorded in the periods of heavy hurricane activities. Our data highlight the value of bat guano deposits in caves as a resource for the analysis of past ecological systems and stress the conservation values of these deposits.


花粉组合和环境 DNA 变化:来自牙买加 4300 年的蝙蝠鸟粪沉积物

摘要 在牙买加发现了两个未受干扰的洞穴,其年代为 14C 和 210Pb,表明最古老的鸟粪层约为 第一个洞穴(岩心长 81 厘米)中有 200 年的历史,第二个洞穴(岩心长 129 厘米)中有长达 4300 年的历史,这为研究过去的生态群落提供了令人兴奋的可能性。我们分析了这些古老蝙蝠鸟粪沉积物中的遗传和花粉图谱,并揭示了与节肢动物最相似的 DNA 序列,主要是石蛾(毛翅目)、蝴蝶(鳞翅目)和蜉蝣(蜉蝣目)等昆虫,这表明了过去饮食数据的潜在来源。孢粉学分析未能恢复保存完好的花粉粒和约早于约 1 年的孢子。200 年来,然而在保存花粉的层中,被子植物是观察到的最丰富的植物,马铃薯(茄科)和胡椒科(胡椒科)经常出现,它们经常被蝙蝠散播。一般来说,特定植物类群频率的变化似乎反映了洞穴附近植被和土地利用的变化;然而,一些变化可能与飓风有关,导致森林冠层损坏并促进需要光的物种的生长,例如 guarumo (Cecropia)。在强飓风活动期间,还记录了大量红树林(Rhizophora)花粉。我们的数据突出了洞穴中蝙蝠鸟粪沉积物作为分析过去生态系统资源的价值,并强调了这些沉积物的保护价值。特定植物分类群频率的变化似乎反映了洞穴附近植被和土地利用的变化;然而,一些变化可能与飓风有关,导致森林冠层损坏并促进需要光的物种的生长,例如 guarumo (Cecropia)。在强飓风活动期间,还记录了大量红树林(Rhizophora)花粉。我们的数据突出了洞穴中蝙蝠鸟粪沉积物作为分析过去生态系统资源的价值,并强调了这些沉积物的保护价值。特定植物分类群频率的变化似乎反映了洞穴附近植被和土地利用的变化;然而,一些变化可能与飓风有关,导致森林冠层损坏并促进需要光的物种的生长,例如 guarumo (Cecropia)。在强飓风活动期间,还记录了大量红树林(Rhizophora)花粉。我们的数据突出了洞穴中蝙蝠鸟粪沉积物作为分析过去生态系统资源的价值,并强调了这些沉积物的保护价值。在强飓风活动期间,还记录了大量红树林(Rhizophora)花粉。我们的数据突出了洞穴中蝙蝠鸟粪沉积物作为分析过去生态系统资源的价值,并强调了这些沉积物的保护价值。在强飓风活动期间,还记录了大量红树林(Rhizophora)花粉。我们的数据突出了洞穴中蝙蝠鸟粪沉积物作为分析过去生态系统资源的价值,并强调了这些沉积物的保护价值。