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Global migration topology analysis and modeling of directed flow network 2006–2010
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2020.125210
Idan Porat , Lucien Benguigui

We applied the network theory to the global world migration phenomenon, seen as a directed network (flow of migrants between world countries from 2006 to 2010) and measured different centralities statistics: in and out-degree, in and out-closeness, and clustering coefficient. One of the important findings is that distributions of out-degree and in-degree for immigration and emigration are completely different aspects of the same phenomenon. The out-degree distribution is uniform with a Gaussian distribution when the in-degree distribution is compound by several groups depending on the in-degree and the in-weight. The receptor countries-nodes, which have large values of in-weight, can be divided into two groups: the developed countries (with low clustering coefficient but large values of the in-degree) and a small group of countries (with high clustering coefficient and small in-degree values). The countries-nodes with large out-weight can be divided into two subgroups with a high clustering coefficient. One of these groups is well connected and forms with the group of the developed countries an in-subgroup of diameter 2 thanks to the double links between them. The second group is characterized by low values of the in-degree (some with null value) and is connected to the rest of the network mainly by out-degrees. Finally, the Latin American countries may be seen as a homogeneous fifth group.



