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On the Origin of Optical Radiation During the Impulsive Phase of Flares on dMe Stars. II. Continuum and Line Radiation
Astrophysics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10511-020-09648-x
E. S. Morchenko

It is argued that, not only the blue (at the brightness maximum) but also the red (in the slow decay phase) components of the optical continuum of powerful flares on dMe stars are formed near the photosphere. The possible appearance of HeI lines in the relaxation zones for the plasma to a state of thermal equilibrium (as a result of a rise in electron temperature owing to elastic collisions of electrons with atoms and ions) is noted (for sufficiently high speeds of a non-stationary chromospheric shock wave propagating toward the photosphere of the Sun and stars). A scheme is proposed for the positioning of the “layers” of plasma responsible for the generation of radiation in the white light continuum during the impulsive phase of powerful stellar flares.


dMe 星耀斑脉冲阶段光辐射的起源。二、连续和线辐射

有人认为,在光球层附近形成了 dMe 恒星上强大耀斑的光学连续谱中的蓝色(亮度最大值)和红色(在缓慢衰减阶段)分量。注意到在等离子体达到热平衡状态(由于电子与原子和离子的弹性碰撞导致电子温度升高)的弛豫区中可能出现 HeI 线(对于非离子的足够高的速度) - 向太阳和恒星的光球层传播的固定色球层冲击波)。提出了一种用于定位等离子体“层”的方案,这些等离子体“层”负责在强大的恒星耀斑的脉冲阶段期间在白光连续谱中产生辐射。