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A new taxon within Biscutella laevigata L. (Brassicaceae) endemic to calamine areas in southern Poland
PhytoKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-08 , DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.160.53937
Małgorzata Wierzbicka , Maria Pielichowska , Olga Bemowska-Kałabun , Adam Rostański , Paweł Wąsowicz

A new taxon Biscutella laevigata subsp. woycickii (Brassicaceae) is described from southern Poland. The taxon is similar to B. laevigata subsp. gracilis, but differs in having thin, light-green rosette leaves very densely covered by simple non-glandular trichomes, smaller seeds and the ability to tolerate and accumulate high amounts of heavy metals. This new taxon is supported by results of cultivation experiments, as well as genetic and paleobotanical evidence.


波兰南部炉甘石地区特有的Biscutella laevigata L.(Brassicaceae)内的一个新分类单元

一个新的分类单元Biscutella laevigata子亚种。woycickii(十字花科)来自波兰南部。该分类单元类似于B. laevigata subsp。gracilis,但不同之处在于,薄而浅绿色的莲座丛叶非常密集地被简单的非腺毛状体覆盖,种子较小,并且能够忍受和积累大量的重金属。这种新的分类单元得到了栽培实验结果以及遗传和古植物学证据的支持。