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Study of flow turbulence around a circular bridge pier in sand-mined stream channel
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-08 , DOI: 10.1680/jwama.19.00041
Abhijit D. Lade 1 , Vishal Deshpande 2 , Bimlesh Kumar 3

Experiments were performed in a sand bed channel to investigate the effects of a mining pit on the hydrodynamics around circular bridge piers. Mean velocity profiles, Reynolds stresses, kinetic energy fluxes and scales of turbulence were analysed at critical locations along the channel bed as well as in the proximity of the pier. At the approach location where flow had passed over the pit and was approaching the pier, substantial increments in the near-bed velocities, bed shear stress and Reynolds stresses were observed. Dredging of the pit increased the strength of the horseshoe vortex in the scour hole region and also amplified the shedding frequency of trailing vortices at the rear of the pier. These effects may be instrumental in the alteration of local scour as well as erosion and deposition patterns around bridge piers.


