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Crafting Europe from CERN to Dubna: Physics as diplomacy in the foundation of the European Physical Society
Centaurus ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-07 , DOI: 10.1111/1600-0498.12304
Roberto Lalli 1

The year 1968 is universally considered a watershed in history, as the world was experiencing an accelerated growth of anti‐establishment protests that would have long‐lasting impacts on the cultural, social, and political spheres of human life. On September 26, amid social and political unrest across the globe, 62 physicists gathered in Geneva to found the European Physical Society. Among these were the official representatives of the national physical societies of 18 countries in both Eastern and Western Europe, who signed the constitution in spite of the political divides of the Cold War. According to the main proponent of the society, Italian physicist Gilberto Bernardini, the success of the initiative was the realization of a dream: the institutional formation of a single community of European physicists, a representation of a culturally unified Europe that he described as a “single highly civilized nation.” The analysis of as yet unexplored archival materials of Bernardini and other protagonists in the establishment of the society has enabled an investigation of the historical development of science diplomacy in two interconnected ways: first, by elucidating how the actors involved, especially those in Western Europe, interpreted their role as diplomats amid particularly turbulent reconfigurations of international political relations; second, by interpreting the attempt to institutionalize transnational scientific networks with the establishment of a non‐governmental organization as a tool to influence world political affairs. It will first be shown that the political ideal of a culturally unified Europe was deeply intertwined with the socio‐professional interests of a specific community, mostly involved with CERN. I will argue that, in the process of establishing the society, the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact armed forces led many of the Western physicists involved in this process to reframe the role of the European Physical Society as a tool to diffuse liberal‐democratic values and to support political dissidents in Eastern Europe.



1968年被普遍认为是历史上的分水岭,因为世界正在经历反建制抗议活动的加速增长,这将对人类生活的文化,社会和政治领域产生长远影响。9月26日,在全球社会和政治动荡中,有62位物理学家聚集在日内瓦,成立了欧洲物理学会。其中有东欧和西欧18个国家的国家体育学会的正式代表,尽管冷战存在政治分歧,他们还是签署了宪法。根据该协会的主要拥护者,意大利物理学家吉尔伯托·贝纳迪尼(Gilberto Bernardini)所说,该计划的成功在于实现了一个梦想:欧洲物理学家的一个共同体的制度化组织,代表了一个文化统一的欧洲,他将其描述为“一个高度文明的国家”。对贝尔纳迪尼和其他主角在社会建立过程中尚未探索的档案资料的分析,使得科学外交的历史发展可以通过两种相互关联的方式进行研究:首先,通过阐明参与者的参与方式,特别是西欧的参与者,在特别动荡的国际政治关系重组中解释了他们作为外交官的作用;第二,通过建立一个非政府组织作为影响世界政治事务的工具,解释了将跨国科学网络制度化的尝试。首先将证明,一个文化统一的欧洲的政治理想与特定社区的社会专业利益紧密交织在一起,而该社区主要参与了CERN。我将争辩说,在建立社会的过程中,华沙条约组织武装部队入侵捷克斯洛伐克,导致许多参与这一过程的西方物理学家重新构造了欧洲物理学会的作用,将其作为传播自由民主价值观的工具并支持东欧的政治异见人士。