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Relative cohomology of complexes II: Vanishing of relative cohomology
Journal of Algebra ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2020.08.020
Zhongkui Liu , Zhenxing Di , Bo Lu

Abstract Let R be a ring such that ( GP , GP ⊥ ) forms a cotorsion pair cogenerated by a set, where GP denotes the category of all Gorenstein projective R-modules. Recently, the first author defined for any complex X the relative cohomology functors Ext GP ⁎ ( X , − ) as H − ⁎ ( Hom ( G , − ) ) in which G is a special Gorenstein projective precover of X. In the present paper, we introduce the dimension of X related to Gorenstein projective precovers, and show that such a dimension of X is equal to the least integer n for which Ext GP i ( X , Q ) = 0 for all i > n and all R-modules Q ∈ GP ⊥ . This result gives a “Gorenstein” version of the relationship between the projective dimension of complexes introduced by Avramov and Foxby and the absolutely cohomology functors Ext R ⁎ ( − , − ) .


配合物的相对上同调 II:相对上同调消失

摘要 令 R 是一个环,使得 ( GP , GP ⊥ ) 形成一个由集合共同生成的余扭对,其中 GP 表示所有 Gorenstein 射影 R 模的范畴。最近,第一作者将任何复数 X 的相对上同调函子 Ext GP ⁎ ( X , − ) 定义为 H − ⁎ ( Hom ( G , − ) ) 其中 G 是 X 的特殊 Gorenstein 投影预覆盖。 在本文中,我们引入了与 Gorenstein 投影预覆盖相关的 X 的维度,并表明 X 的这样一个维度等于最小整数 n,对于所有 i > n 和所有 R 模,Ext GP i ( X , Q ) = 0 Q ∈ GP ⊥ 。这个结果给出了 Avramov 和 Foxby 引入的复合物的射影维数与绝对上同调函子 Ext R ⁎ ( − , − ) 之间关系的“Gorenstein”版本。