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Source analysis of heavy metal elements of PM2.5 in canteen in a university in winter
Atmospheric Environment ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117879
Yuanyuan Niu , Fang Wang , Songmin Liu , Wenjie Zhang

Abstract Indoor air particulate samples were collected in the first floor of the Xingyuan canteen of Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST) in Nanjing during the winter season. Meanwhile, outdoor air particulate samples were collected on the roof of a building that is 28 m away from the canteen. The mean PM2.5 (fine particulate matter) concentrations of the indoor and outdoor samples were found to be 99.43 and 103.09 μg/m3, respectively. Through correlation analysis, it was found that more than half of the PM2.5 penetrates from the adjacent outdoor area into the canteen. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used to determine the concentration of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) in the PM2.5, revealing that the concentration of As, Mn and Cd in the canteen exceeded health standards. Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) was used to identify the pollution sources of the PM2.5-related heavy metals in the canteen, revealing the following sources in descending order: cooking (34.7%), fuel combustion (28.9%), canteen kitchenware (14.4%), transportation (9.6%), indoor building materials (8%) and the Earth's crust (4.4%). Enrichment factor analysis revealed the source of the excessive As in the canteen to be the outdoor air and the cooking of a large amount of meat in the canteen. The outdoor air contained excessive As and infiltrated the canteen. In addition, the Earth's crust was found to be the source of excessive Mn in the canteen, while transportation was the cause of excessive Cd.



摘要 冬季室内空气颗粒物样本采集于南京理工大学星源食堂一层。同时,在距离食堂 28 m 的建筑物屋顶上采集室外空气颗粒物样本。室内和室外样本的平均 PM2.5(细颗粒物)浓度分别为 99.43 和 103.09 μg/m3。通过相关性分析发现,一半以上的PM2.5从相邻的室外区域渗透到食堂。电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪 (ICP-OES) 用于测定 PM2.5 中重金属(As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Fe、Mn、Ni、Pb、Zn)的浓度,表明由于食堂锰、镉超标。采用正矩阵分解法(PMF)识别食堂PM2.5相关重金属污染源,按降序揭示以下来源:烹饪(34.7%)、燃料燃烧(28.9%)、食堂厨具( 14.4%)、交通(9.6%)、室内建筑材料(8%)和地壳(4.4%)。富集因子分析揭示了食堂中过量As的来源是室外空气和食堂内大量肉类的烹饪。室外空气中含有过量的砷并渗入食堂。此外,发现地壳是食堂锰超标的来源,而运输是镉超标的原因。按降序显示以下来源:烹饪(34.7%)、燃料燃烧(28.9%)、食堂厨具(14.4%)、交通(9.6%)、室内建筑材料(8%)和地壳(4.4%)。富集因子分析揭示了食堂中过量As的来源是室外空气和食堂内大量肉类的烹饪。室外空气中含有过量的砷并渗入食堂。此外,发现地壳是食堂锰超标的来源,而运输是镉超标的原因。按降序显示以下来源:烹饪(34.7%)、燃料燃烧(28.9%)、食堂厨具(14.4%)、交通(9.6%)、室内建筑材料(8%)和地壳(4.4%)。富集因子分析揭示了食堂中过量As的来源是室外空气和食堂内大量肉类的烹饪。室外空气中含有过量的砷并渗入食堂。此外,发现地壳是食堂锰超标的来源,而运输是镉超标的原因。富集因子分析揭示了食堂中过量As的来源是室外空气和食堂内大量肉类的烹饪。室外空气中含有过量的砷并渗入食堂。此外,发现地壳是食堂锰超标的来源,而运输是镉超标的原因。富集因子分析揭示了食堂中过量As的来源是室外空气和食堂内大量肉类的烹饪。室外空气中含有过量的砷并渗入食堂。此外,发现地壳是食堂锰超标的来源,而运输是镉超标的原因。