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Using camera-trapping to assess grape consumption by vertebrate pests in a World Heritage vineyard region
Journal of Pest Science ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10340-020-01267-x
Lucas Lamelas-López , Ferrante Marco

Vertebrate pests cause significant economic loss in several agricultural crops worldwide; therefore, their populations are often controlled through culling. Correctly identifying the main species responsible for the damage is essential to avoid persecuting the wrong targets, yet it is challenging. During 2016 and 2017, we tested the usefulness of camera-trapping (CT) in Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal to identify vertebrate pests. Vineyard owners in this region cull the Azores woodpigeon (Columba palumbus azorica), the common pigeon (Columba livia), the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), the Azores blackbird (Turdus merula azorensis), and the Madeira wall lizard (Teira dugesii) to reduce damage to grapes. Using CT photos and videos, we identified nine species damaging the grape, but four of those were only observed occasionally (< 10 consumption events over 2 years). The Madeira lizard (371.09 and 232.47 consumption events100-CT-days in 2016 and 2017, respectively), the house sparrow (284.01 and 21.73 consumption events100-CT-days in 2016 and 2017, respectively), and the Azores blackbird (17.35 and 8.23 consumption events100-CT-days in 2016 and 2017, respectively) had the most frequent consumption events. All three species were most active in the morning (8:00–9:00) and in the afternoon (16:00–17:00 for the Madeira lizard and the house sparrow, and 18:00–19:00 for the Azores blackbird). We demonstrated the advantage of using CT in cultivated habitats to provide valuable information about the identity, behaviour, daily-activity patterns, and relative consumption rates of vineyard pests. We also provided evidence that the endemic Azores woodpigeon and the common pigeon should not be targeted by the farmers in Terceira.



脊椎病虫害在全球范围内的几种农作物中造成了严重的经济损失;因此,他们的种群通常通过淘汰来控制。正确识别造成损害的主要物种对于避免迫害错误的目标至关重要,但这具有挑战性。在2016年至2017年期间,我们测试了在葡萄牙亚速尔群岛Terceira岛进行相机诱捕(CT)识别脊椎动物害虫的有效性。该地区的葡萄园所有者选择亚速尔群岛的木鸽子(Columba palumbus azorica),普通鸽(Columba livia),麻雀(Passer domesticus),亚速尔群岛的黑鸟(Turdus merula azorensis)和马德拉壁蜥(Teira dugesii)),以减少对葡萄的伤害。使用CT照片和视频,我们发现了9种破坏葡萄的物种,但其中只有4种是偶尔观察到的(在2年内<10个消费事件)。马德拉蜥蜴(371.09和232.47消费事件100-CT-天分别2016和2017,),麻雀(284.01和21.73消费事件100-CT-天分别2016和2017),和亚速尔黑鸟(17.35和8.23消费事件(每天100天)分别是2016年和2017年)的消费事件最频繁。这三种物种在早晨(8:00–9:00)和下午(马德拉蜥蜴和麻雀为16:00–17:00,亚速尔群岛为18:00–19:00)最活跃黑鸟)。我们展示了在耕地中使用CT的优势,可提供有关葡萄园有害生物的特性,行为,日常活动模式和相对消耗率的宝贵信息。我们还提供了证据,说明特塞拉(Terceira)的农民不应该将特有的亚速尔群岛斑鸠和普通鸽子作为目标。
