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Spatial distribution and characteristics of Andean ice masses in Argentina: results from the first National Glacier Inventory
Journal of Glaciology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-07 , DOI: 10.1017/jog.2020.55
Laura Zalazar , Lidia Ferri , Mariano Castro , Hernán Gargantini , Melisa Gimenez , Pierre Pitte , Lucas Ruiz , Mariano Masiokas , Gustavo Costa , Ricardo Villalba

Glaciers and the periglacial environment in Argentina have been protected by the Law since 2010. This legislation required the development of the first National Glacier Inventory (NGI), which was officially presented in May 2018 and based on satellite images spanning between 2004 and 2016. Here, we present the methods and results of the NGI, summarize the glaciers’ morphological and spatial characteristics, and compare our results to previous regional and global inventories. The NGI reveals an impressive variety of ice masses including rock glaciers, permanent snowfields, mountain and valley glaciers with varying amounts of debris-cover and large outlet glaciers. The Argentinean Andes contain 16 078 ice masses covering an area of 5769 km2 between 200 and 6900 m a.s.l. Comparison of the combined national inventories of Argentina and Chile (~30 000 glaciers and 28 400 km2) with the Randolph Glacier Inventory 6.0 for the Southern Andes (~16 000 glaciers and 29 400 km2), shows that there are large differences in extent and number of glaciers in some sub-regions. The NGI represents an improvement for a better understanding of Argentina's freshwater reservoirs and provides detailed information for the preservation and study of ice masses along 4000 km of the Southern Andes.



自 2010 年以来,阿根廷的冰川和冰缘环境一直受到法律保护。这项立法要求制定第一份国家冰川清单 (NGI),该清单于 2018 年 5 月正式公布,基于 2004 年至 2016 年间的卫星图像。这里,我们介绍了 NGI 的方法和结果,总结了冰川的形态和空间特征,并将我们的结果与以前的区域和全球清单进行了比较。NGI 揭示了令人印象深刻的各种冰块,包括岩石冰川、永久雪原、具有不同数量的碎片覆盖的山地和山谷冰川和大型出口冰川。阿根廷安第斯山脉有 16 078 个冰块,面积 5769 平方公里2海拔 200 到 6900 米之间 阿根廷和智利国家清单的比较(约 30 000 条冰川和 28 400 公里2) 使用南安第斯山脉的 Randolph Glacier Inventory 6.0(约 16 000 条冰川和 29 400 公里2),表明一些次区域的冰川范围和数量存在较大差异。NGI 代表了更好地了解阿根廷淡水水库的进步,并为南安第斯山脉 4000 公里冰块的保存和研究提供了详细信息。