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Transformation of PGM in supra subduction zones: Geochemical and mineralogical constraints from the Veria (Greece) podiform chromitites
Geoscience Frontiers ( IF 8.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gsf.2020.08.005
George Tsoupas , Maria Economou-Eliopoulos

Extremely abundant PGE-minerals (PGM) hosted in chromitites from the Veria ophiolite complex in Macedonia (N. Greece) may be unique among ophiolite complexes. This study focuses on differences between the low- and high-PGE chromitites. New textural, mineralogical and geochemical constraints from those ores are presented, aiming to define factors controlling the PGE enrichment in a supra subduction environment, in the light of post-magmatic processes. The whole ore analyses for mmajor and trace elements indicated an unusually high-IPGE content (up to 25 ​ppm) and higher Fe, Ca, Mn, Zn and V contents in high-PGE compared to low-PGE in massive chromitites. The wide compositional variation of chromite, even in the same polished section, the occurrence of very fine PGM (less than 20 ​μm) as inclusions within chromite and extremely large (>1000 ​μm), angular or fine-grained PGM aggregates ones within a matrix of highly fragmented chromite - Cr-garnet matrix, may indicate crystallization/recrystallization of chromite from more than one precursor phases. Laurite (RuS2) is very limited, occurring as remnants surrounding by Ru–Os–Ir oxides/hydroxides, of a wide compositional variation. Irarsite occurs as euhedral crystals up to 200 ​μm, surrounding by chromite, as anhedral exsolutions 1–200 ​μm within laurite, or creating segregates with platarsite and relics of (Ru, Pt, Rh, Os) sulfarsenides. Platinum–Ru–Rh–Pd-minerals occur commonly as relatively fine-grained assemblages, up to 50 ​μm, along with irarsite and other relics of (Ru, Pt, Rh, Os) sulfarsenides. Pt-alloys show a variation ranging from tetraferroplatinum to Pt–Ir–Fe–Ni alloys. The presence of laurite relics in large IPGM, awaruite, heazlewoodite, and carbon-bearing material reflecting a super-reducing environment, and the transformation of primary PGM into Os–Ir–Ru-alloys and oxides/hydroxides in association with Fe-chromite and Fe3+-bearing garnet (andradite-uvarovite solid-solution series) may reflect changes of the redox conditions from reducing to oxidizing. The relatively high Na content in hydrous mineral inclusions within high-PGE chromitites suggest a hydrous mantle source and provide the possibility for estimation of the P (average 3.0 ​kbar) and T (average 874 ​°C), indicating formation at a shallow mantle environment.



在蛇麻岩复合物中,来自马其顿(希腊北部)的维里亚蛇绿岩复合物中铬铁矿中所含的极其丰富的PGE矿物(PGM)可能是独特的。这项研究着眼于低PGE和高PGE铬铁矿之间的差异。提出了来自这些矿石的新的质地,矿物学和地球化学约束,旨在根据后岩浆作用过程确定在超俯冲环境中控制PGE富集的因素。整体矿石分析中的mmajor和微量元素表明,与块状铬铁矿中的低PGE相比,高PGE中的IPGE含量异常高(高达25 ppm),并且Fe,Ca,Mn,Zn和V含量更高。铬铁矿的成分变化很大,即使在相同的抛光区域中,也会发生非常细的PGM(小于20μm)作为铬铁矿内部的夹杂物并且非常大(> 1000μm),在高度碎片化的铬铁矿基质(铬石榴石基质)中,角状或细颗粒的PGM聚集体可能表明铬铁矿从多个前体相中结晶/重结晶。月桂石(RuS2)是非常有限的,由于残留物被Ru–Os–Ir氧化物/氢氧化物包围,因此组成变化很大。锡石发生在高达200μm的真面状晶体中,被亚铁矿包围,在月桂酸盐中以1-200μm的无面状析出,或与白铁矿和(Ru,Pt,Rh,Os)硫化砷遗迹形成隔离。铂-钌-铑-钯-矿物质通常以相对细颗粒的组合形式存在,最大可达50μm,与铁矾石和(Ru,Pt,Rh,Os)硫化砷的其他遗迹一起出现。铂合金显示出从四铁铂到Pt–Ir–Fe–Ni合金的变化。大型IPGM,铁榴石,heazlewoodite和含碳材料中的月桂石遗迹反映了一种超还原性环境,以及将初级PGM转变为Os-Ir-Ru合金以及与铁铬铁矿和铁氧化物结合的氧化物/氢氧化物铁含3+的石榴石(锰铁矿-微锰矿固溶体系列)可能反映了氧化还原条件从还原到氧化的变化。高PGE铬铁矿中水合矿物包裹体中的Na含量相对较高,表明水合地幔来源,并为估算P(平均3.0 kbar)和T(平均874°C)提供了可能性,表明在浅地幔中形成环境。
