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The Posterior Crus II Cerebellum is specialized for Social Mentalizing and Emotional self-Experiences: A Meta-analysis.
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-05 , DOI: 10.1093/scan/nsaa124
Frank Van Overwalle 1 , Qianying Ma 1 , Elien Heleven 1

This meta-analysis explores the role of the posterior cerebellum Crus I/II in social mentalizing. We identified over 200 functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies via NeuroSynth that met our inclusion criteria and fell within bilateral Crus II areas related to ‘sequencing’ during mentalizing (coordinates ±24 −76 −40; from earlier studies) and mere social ‘mentalizing’ or self-related emotional cognition (coordinates ±26 −84 −34; from NeuroSynth), located in the cerebellar mentalizing network. A large majority of these studies (74%) involved mentalizing or self-related emotional cognition. Other functions formed small minorities. This high incidence in Crus II compares very favorably against the lower base rate for mentalizing and self-related emotions (around 35%) across the whole brain as revealed in NeuroSynth. In contrast, there was much less support for a similar role of Crus I (coordinates −40 −70 −40 from earlier ‘sequencing’ studies) as only 35% of the studies were related to mentalizing or self-related emotions. The present findings show that a domain-specific social mentalizing functionality is supported in the cerebellar Crus II. This has important implications for theories of the social cerebellum focusing on sequencing of social actions, and for cerebellar neurostimulation treatments.



这项荟萃分析探讨了后小脑Crus I / II在社会心理方面的作用。我们通过NeuroSynth鉴定了200多个符合我们纳入标准的功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)研究,这些研究属于心理过程中与“测序”相关的双边Crus II领域(坐标为±24 −76 −40;来自较早的研究)和仅属于社会性小脑心理化网络中的“心理化”或自我相关的情感认知(坐标±26 -84 -34;来自NeuroSynth)。这些研究中的绝大多数(74%)涉及心理或自我相关的情绪认知。其他职能构成了少数群体。与NeuroSynth中揭示的那样,Crus II的这种高发生率与整个大脑中较低的基本思维和与自我相关的情绪(大约35%)的基本发生率相比具有优势。相反,Crus I(早期“测序”研究的坐标−40 −70 −40)的类似作用得到的支持较少,因为只有35%的研究与心理化或与自我相关的情绪有关。本研究结果表明,小脑Crus II支持特定领域的社会心理功能。这对侧重于社会行为排序的社会小脑理论以及小脑神经刺激治疗具有重要意义。