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Reproducing an opposing sea in an experimental wave basin based on a hindcast spectrum
Journal of Marine Science and Technology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s00773-020-00764-z
Hidetaka Houtani , Daichi Ota , Harukuni Taguchi , Michio Ueno

An opposing sea was generated in an experimental wave basin. Here, an opposing sea is defined as a sea in which the wave spectrum has two peaks that are separated almost 180° in direction. Such an opposing sea can be observed, for example, when wind waves coexist in the opposite direction with swells. The opposing sea generation is based on an actual sea spectrum hindcast by a third-generation wave model. The experiment was carried out in an actual sea model basin (ASMB) at National Maritime Research Institute. The ASMB is fully surrounded by 382 flap-type wave makers with incident wave absorbing capacity. The estimation of the directional spectrum by the maximum likelihood method (MLM) revealed that the opposing sea was successfully generated in the basin, although an analysis of the corresponding numerical wave field indicated that the MLM inherently estimated the spectrum with wider directional spreading. The reproduction of the opposing sea in this study indicates that any deep-sea wave field with arbitrary directional spectrum can be reproduced in such a wave basin with absorbing wave makers on the periphery.



在实验波浪盆地中产生了对向海。此处,对向海被定义为波谱具有两个在方向上几乎相差 180° 的峰值的海。例如,当风浪以相反方向与涌浪共存时,就可以观察到这种相反的海面。相对海生成基于第三代波浪模型后报的实际海谱。该实验是在国家海事研究所的实际海模型盆地 (ASMB) 中进行的。ASMB 被 382 个具有入射波吸收能力的瓣式造波器完全包围。通过最大似然法(MLM)对方向谱的估计表明,在盆地中成功生成了对向海,尽管对相应数值波场的分析表明 MLM 固有地估计了具有更宽方向扩展的频谱。本研究中对向海的再现表明,任何具有任意方向谱的深海波场都可以在这样一个外围有吸收造波器的波盆中再现。