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Heavy Metal Concentrations in Trachurus Mediterraneus and Merlangius Merlangus Captured from Marmara Sea, Turkey and Associated Health Risks
Environmental Management ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s00267-020-01352-y
Latife Köker 1 , Fatih Aydın 1 , Özcan Gaygusuz 1 , Reyhan Akçaalan 1 , Derya Çamur 2 , Hüseyin İlter 3 , Ferruh Niyazi Ayoğlu 4 , Ahmet Altın 5 , Murat Topbaş 6 , Meriç Albay 1

Rapid industrialization and excessive human population growth may cause deterioration in marine water quality and biodiversity. Heavy metals are one of the most common pollutants in the seas and marine organisms, including demersal and pelagic fish, can accumulate them from the environment. Assessment of the ecological risk of heavy metals from fish has an important role in public health. In this study, some heavy metal (Pb, Cd, As, Cr, Hg, Cu, Zn, and Fe) concentrations were determined in the muscle tissues of two commonly consumed fish species, Trachurus mediterraneus (Mediterranean horse mackerel) and Merlangius merlangus (Whiting), which are the fifth (14,222 tons/year) and sixth (6814 tons/year) highest commercial catches of marine fish species in Turkey, respectively. Heavy metal concentrations of samples collected from four sites (Adalar, İzmit Bay, Yalova, and Tekirdağ) in the Marmara Sea were determined using ICP-MS. Fish samples caught at Yalova station were found to have the highest heavy metal concentrations. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in terms of the mean values, only As, and Cr were higher than permissible limits in T. mediterraneus, while Pb, Cd, As, and Cr were higher in M. merlangus. Arsenic concentrations were higher than maximum limits in both T. mediterraneus and M. merlangus. The estimated weekly intake (EWI) was calculated to assess the potential health impact. The EWI for arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury for some sites was above the provisional tolerable weekly intake.


从土耳其马尔马拉海捕获的 Trachurus Mediterraneus 和 Merlangius Merlangus 中的重金属浓度以及相关的健康风险

快速工业化和人口过度增长可能导致海水质量和生物多样性恶化。重金属是海洋中最常见的污染物之一,海洋生物,包括底层和中上层鱼类,可以从环境中积累它们。评估鱼类重金属的生态风险对公共卫生具有重要作用。在这项研究中,测定了两种常见鱼类——Trachurus mediterraneus(地中海竹荚鱼)和 Merlangius merlangus 肌肉组织中的一些重金属(Pb、Cd、As、Cr、Hg、Cu、Zn 和 Fe)浓度。 Whiting),分别是土耳其海洋鱼类商业捕捞量的第五位(14,222 吨/年)和第六位(6814 吨/年)。从四个地点 (Adalar, 马尔马拉海的 İzmit Bay、Yalova 和 Tekirdağ) 使用 ICP-MS 进行测定。在 Yalova 站捕获的鱼类样本被发现具有最高的重金属浓度。根据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的数据,从平均值来看,地中海海棠中只有 As、Cr 高于允许限值,而墨兰海棠中 Pb、Cd、As 和 Cr 较高。T. mediterraneus 和 M. merlangus 的砷浓度均高于最大限值。计算每周估计摄入量 (EWI) 以评估潜在的健康影响。某些地点的砷、镉、铅和汞的 EWI 高于临时可容忍的每周摄入量。在 Yalova 站捕获的鱼类样本被发现具有最高的重金属浓度。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的数据,从平均值来看,地中海海棠中只有 As、Cr 高于允许限值,而墨兰海棠中 Pb、Cd、As 和 Cr 较高。T. mediterraneus 和 M. merlangus 的砷浓度均高于最大限值。计算每周估计摄入量 (EWI) 以评估潜在的健康影响。某些地点的砷、镉、铅和汞的 EWI 高于临时可容忍的每周摄入量。在 Yalova 站捕获的鱼类样本被发现具有最高的重金属浓度。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的数据,从平均值来看,地中海海棠中只有 As、Cr 高于允许限值,而墨兰海棠中 Pb、Cd、As 和 Cr 较高。T. mediterraneus 和 M. merlangus 的砷浓度均高于最大限值。计算每周估计摄入量 (EWI) 以评估潜在的健康影响。某些地点的砷、镉、铅和汞的 EWI 高于临时可容忍的每周摄入量。T. mediterraneus 和 M. merlangus 的砷浓度均高于最大限值。计算每周估计摄入量 (EWI) 以评估潜在的健康影响。某些地点的砷、镉、铅和汞的 EWI 高于临时可容忍的每周摄入量。T. mediterraneus 和 M. merlangus 的砷浓度均高于最大限值。计算每周估计摄入量 (EWI) 以评估潜在的健康影响。某些地点的砷、镉、铅和汞的 EWI 高于临时可容忍的每周摄入量。