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Taxonomic revision of the genus Glochidion (Phyllanthaceae) in Taiwan, China
PhytoKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.159.54839
Gang Yao , Zhu-Qiu Song , Bin-E Xue , Shi Shi , Yu-Ling Li , Shi-Xiao Luo

A comprehensive taxonomic revision of the genus Glochidion J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. from Taiwan in China was carried out based on the examination of herbarium specimens and filed investigations. Eight species and three varieties are recognized, including a new species endemic to Taiwan, G. lanyuense Gang Yao & S.X. Luo, which is described and illustrated. Three names, viz. G. chademenosocarpum Hayata, G. kusukusense Hayata, and G. ovalifolium F.Y. Lu & Y.S. Hsu, are reduced to the new synonyms of G. rubrum Blume, G. lanceolatum Hayata, and G. ellipticum Wight, respectively. Two names, viz. G. lanceolatum Hayata and G. suishaense Hayata, are lectotypified here. A key to the Glochidion species in Taiwan is provided.