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Detection of a Satellite of the Trojan Asteroid (3548) Eurybates—A Lucy Mission Target
The Planetary Science Journal ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.3847/psj/abac54
K. S. Noll 1 , M. E. Brown 2 , H. A. Weaver 3 , W. M. Grundy 4 , S. B. Porter 5 , M. W. Buie 5 , H. F. Levison 5 , C. Olkin 5 , J. R. Spencer 5 , S. Marchi 5 , T. S. Statler 6

We describe the discovery of a satellite of the Trojan asteroid (3548) Eurybates in images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. The satellite was detected on three separate epochs, two in 2018 September and one in 2020 January. The satellite has a brightness in all three epochs consistent with an effective diameter of d 2 = 1.2 ± 0.4 km. The projected separation from Eurybates was s ∼ 1700–2300 km and varied in position, consistent with a large range of possible orbits. Eurybates is a target of the Lucy Discovery mission and the early detection of a satellite provides an opportunity for a significant expansion of the scientific return from this encounter.



我们用哈勃太空望远镜获得的图像描述了特洛伊小行星(3548)Eurybates卫星的发现。在三个不同的时期检测到了该卫星,两个时期分别在2018年9月和2020年1月。卫星在所有三个时期的亮度均与有效直径d 2 = 1.2±0.4 km一致。预计与Eurybates的距离约为s 1700-2300 km,并且位置变化,这与可能的轨道范围相一致。Eurybates是露西发现号(Lucy Discovery)任务的目标,而对卫星的早期探测为这次相遇的科学回报提供了重大机会。