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Energy-Aware Connectivity Restoration Mechanism for Cyber-Physical Systems of Networked Sensors and Robots
IEEE Systems Journal ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-16 , DOI: 10.1109/jsyst.2020.2970649
Uthman Baroudi , Mohamed Aldarwbi , Mohamed Younis

This article focuses on cyber-physical systems involving a set of robots and sensors that are interconnected through wireless links. In applications that operate in harsh environments, wireless sensors and robot networks (WSRNs) may suffer simultaneous failures, which lead to partitioning the WSRN into unconnected subnetworks. The loss of connectivity often leads to degrade performance and inability to fulfill the application mission. To address this issue, several proposals have been made in the literature where node mobility is exploited to re-establish connectivity. These proposals, however, focus on minimizing the number of mobile nodes and the traveled distance cost while ignoring important factors, such as robot battery level, network lifetime, and environmental conditions, that may limit or hinder the whole recovery process. To overcome these limitations, we present a distributed node repositioning algorithm based on fuzzy logic. We evaluate our approach via extensive simulations and prototype experiments using Khepera IV robots. The results demonstrate superior performance to that of contemporary approaches.



本文重点介绍网络物理系统,其中涉及通过无线链接相互连接的一组机器人和传感器。在运行于恶劣环境中的应用中,无线传感器和机器人网络(WSRN)可能会同时发生故障,从而导致将WSRN划分为未连接的子网。连接的丢失通常会导致性能下降和无法完成应用程序任务。为了解决这个问题,文献中提出了一些建议,其中利用节点移动性来重新建立连接。但是,这些建议着重于最大程度地减少移动节点的数量和行进距离的成本,同时忽略了可能限制或阻碍整个恢复过程的重要因素,例如机器人电池电量,网络寿命和环境条件。为了克服这些限制,我们提出了一种基于模糊逻辑的分布式节点重定位算法。我们使用Khepera IV机器人通过广泛的仿真和原型实验来评估我们的方法。结果表明,其性能优于现代方法。