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The Governance of UK Dairy Antibiotic Use: Industry-Led Policy in Action
Frontiers in Veterinary Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00557
Stephanie Begemann , Francine Watkins , Ine Van Hoyweghen , Roberto Vivancos , Robert Christley , Elizabeth Perkins

This article analyses the progress made in the UK with regard to tackling antibiotic “misuse and overuse” in food-producing animals. Moving beyond statistical realities, the paper examines how the UK's industry-led policy approach is shaping practice. Using a multi-sited ethnography situated in Actor Network Theory and Callon's sociology of markets, the UK dairy supply chain policies and practices were studied. Findings reveal that dairy industry policies only partially address the complex network of people, animals, and the environment in which dairy antibiotics circulate. Antibiotic “misuse and overuse” in agriculture is far from a behavioural matter, with solely farmers and veterinarians to blame. Instead, antibiotic use in food animals is embedded in complex economic networks that constrain radical changes in dairy husbandry management and antibiotic use on farms. More attention toward the needs of the dairy supply chain actors and wider environmental considerations is essential to reduce the dairy sector's dependency on antibiotics and support transition toward responsible farming in the UK.



本文分析了英国在解决食用动物中抗生素“滥用和过度使用”方面取得的进展。超越统计现实,本文考察了英国行业主导的政策方法如何塑造实践。使用位于Actor Network Theory和Acton市场社会学中的多民族志,对英国乳业供应链政策和实践进行了研究。研究结果表明,乳制品行业政策仅部分解决了复杂的人,动物和乳品抗生素流通环境的网络。农业中的抗生素“滥用和滥用”绝非行为问题,只有农民和兽医应受之责。代替,食用动物使用抗生素被嵌入到复杂的经济网络中,这些网络限制了奶业管理和农场使用抗生素的根本变化。更多的关注需要 乳制品供应链参与者的行为以及更广泛的环境考虑因素,对于减少乳制品行业对抗生素的依赖并支持向英国负责任农业的过渡至关重要。
