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Perspectives: Farmers Markets and Seafood: Where Is It Feasible?
Marine Resource Economics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1086/710051
Jeffrey K. O’Hara 1

National-level empirical research can inform how policy can effectively support direct seafood markets. The US Department of Agriculture maintains a directory of farmers markets that has not been extensively used in direct seafood marketing research. I use this directory data to estimate the probability that farmers markets near commercial fishing ports in the United States offer seafood. The results provide insight into two policy-relevant constraints on direct marketing: (1) geographic limits to seafood sales at farmers markets and (2) accessibility challenges for low-income populations. I find that seafood sales at farmers markets are concentrated within 50 miles of commercial fishing ports and that lower-income people are less likely to have access to seafood at farmers markets. I discuss advances made in collecting data from direct marketing farmers and the potential value in collecting analogous data from direct marketing fishers.



国家层面的实证研究可以告知政策如何有效支持直接海产品市场。美国农业部维护着一份尚未广泛用于直接海产品营销研究的农贸市场目录。我使用此目录数据来估计美国商业渔港附近的农贸市场提供海鲜的概率。结果提供了对直接营销的两个政策相关限制的洞察:(1)农贸市场海鲜销售的地理限制和(2)低收入人群的可及性挑战。我发现农贸市场的海鲜销售集中在商业渔港 50 英里范围内,低收入人群不太可能在农贸市场买到海鲜。