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Phylogeny and biogeography of the oil‐collecting bee subgenus Centris ( Wagenknechtia ) (Hymenoptera, Apidae)
Zoologica Scripta ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12446
Felipe Vivallo 1

Centris (Wagenknechtia) is the only subgenus of centridine bees that occurs almost exclusively in the Andean Region. This study investigates the monophyly of C. (Wagenknechtia) proposing a hypothesis for the relationships among its species using 42 morphological characters of adults. The analysis resulted in one most parsimonious tree corroborating the monophyly of this group of oil‐collecting bees, with the relationships among its species as follows: ((C. escomeli + C. moldenkei) (C. muralis (C. rhodophthalma + C. vardyorum) (C. cineraria + C. orellanai))). Based on these results plus available distributional records, a cladistic biogeographic analysis was performed. The resulting hypothesis of the relationships between the endemism areas in the Andean Region is as follows: (((Atacama–Puna) (Desert–Atacama–Puna)) ((Pampean–Chaco–Puna) ((Monte–Coquimban) (Coquimban (Patagonian–Valdivian Forest–Coquimban–Maule–Monte–Santiago–Magellanic Forest))))).


采油蜂亚属 Centris(Wagenknechtia)(膜翅目,蜂科)的系统发育和生物地理学

Centris (Wagenknechtia) 是唯一一个几乎只出现在安第斯地区的 centridine 蜜蜂亚属。本研究调查了 C. (Wagenknechtia) 的单系,提出了使用 42 种成年形态特征的物种之间关系的假设。分析结果表明,一棵最简约的树证实了这组采油蜜蜂的单一性,其物种之间的关系如下:((C. escomeli + C. Moldenkei) (C. muralis (C. rhodophthalma + C. vardyorum) (C. cineraria + C. orellanai)))。基于这些结果加上可用的分布记录,进行了分支生物地理学分析。由此得出的关于安第斯地区特有地区之间关系的假设如下: