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The utility of Trichoderma spp. isolates to control of Xylosandrus germanus Blandford (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s41348-020-00375-1
Rahman Kushiyev , Celal Tuncer , Ismail Erper , Goksel Özer

The invasive ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus germanus Blandford (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is a serious pest of hazelnut in Turkey, which is the biggest hazelnut producer in the world. In this study, the utility of four isolates representing different Trichoderma species (T. harzianum, T. hamatum, T. asperellum, and T. atroviride) was evaluated on survival, gallery behavior and brood production of X. germanus by effecting the symbiotic fungal development at laboratory conditions. Hazelnut branches were exposed to fungal suspensions (1 × 106 and 1 × 108 conidia mL−1 doses) for about 30 s. and transferred to individual plastic boxes. Ten healthy females of X. germanus were released into each box to determine the effect of the treatment of mycoparasite isolates. The antagonistic effect of Trichoderma species on symbiotic fungus was evaluated in dual-culture experiments in Petri dishes. The survival and gallery production of the pest were not directly affected by treatment of two different doses of all four Trichoderma species. The growth of the symbiotic fungus, however, was suppressed significantly by Trichoderma isolates in beetle galleries as well as on Petri dishes. Moreover, symbiotic fungal growth and eggs, larvae, and pupae of the beetle were not observed in the galleries carved out by females within the branches treated with two concentrations of T. harzianum, T. asperellum, and T. atroviride. Some of the galleries in the branches treated with T. hamatum had very sparse mycelial growth and fewer broods compared to the control. Our findings showed that the Trichoderma species may be potential biological control agents against X. germanus.


木霉属种的实用程序。分离株可控制德国木霉(Byford Xylosandrus)(鞘翅目:Curculionidae:Scolytinae)

入侵性沙蚕甲虫Xylosandrus germanus Blandford(鞘翅目:Curculionidae:Scolytinae)是土耳其的一种严重的榛子害虫,它是世界上最大的榛子生产国。在这项研究中,代表不同的4株效用木霉种(哈茨木霉T. hamatumT.棘孢T.深绿)的生存,画廊行为和育雏生产的评估X. germanus的通过实现共生真菌在实验室条件下开发。榛子分支暴露于真菌悬浮液(1×10 6和1×10 8分生孢子mL -1剂量)约30 s。并转移到各个塑料盒中。将十只健康的德国假单胞菌雌性释放到每个盒子中,以确定对霉菌寄生虫分离物的治疗效果。在培养皿中的双重培养实验中评估了木霉属物种对共生真菌的拮抗作用。害虫的存活和长廊产量不受所有四种木霉属物种两种不同剂量的处理的直接影响。然而,木霉菌显着抑制了共生真菌的生长在甲虫画廊以及培养皿中分离。此外,甲虫的共生真菌生长和卵,幼虫,蛹和与两个浓度处理分支内由女性刻出来的画廊中未观察到哈茨木霉T.棘孢,和T.深绿。与对照相比,用T. hamatum处理过的树枝中的某些画廊菌丝生长非常稀疏,育雏数量也更少。我们的发现表明,木霉菌种可能是针对德国黑斑病菌的潜在生物防治剂。
