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Horizontal and vertical distribution of cephalopod paralarvae in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315420000648
Gabriela Castillo-Estrada , Roxana De Silva-Dávila , Laura Carrillo , Lourdes Vásquez-Yeomans , Claudia A. Silva-Segundo , Laura Avilés-Díaz , Unai Markaida

Horizontal and vertical distribution of cephalopod paralarvae (PL) from the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) in the Western Caribbean was studied during two oceanographic cruises in 2006 and 2007. A total of 1034 PL belonging to 12 families, 22 genera, 24 species, 5 morphotypes and a species complex were identified. Abralia redfieldi, Onychoteuthis banksii and Ornithoteuthis antillarum were the most abundant taxa. The taxonomic identification from these three species was corroborated with DNA barcoding (99.8–100% of similarity). Paralarvae of Octopus insularis were reported for the first time in the wild. Most PL occupied the Caribbean Surface Water mass in the 0–25 m depth stratum. Largest paralarval abundances were related to local oceanographic features favouring retention such as the Honduras Gyre and Cozumel eddy. No day-night differences were found in PL abundance, although Abralia redfieldi showed evidence of diel vertical migration. Distribution of PL in epipelagic waters of the MBRS was probably related to ontogenetic migration, hydrographic features of meso and subscale, and to the circulation regimes dominated by the Yucatan Current. The MBRS represents an important dispersion area for PL, potentially connecting a species-rich Caribbean community with the Gulf of Mexico and Florida waters.



在 2006 年和 2007 年的两次海洋巡航期间,研究了西加勒比海中美洲堡礁系统(MBRS)的头足类副幼虫(PL)的水平和垂直分布。共有 1034 头 PL 属于 12 科 22 属 24 种,确定了 5 种形态类型和一个物种复合体。阿布拉利亚·雷德菲尔德,Onychoteuthis bankiiOrnithoteuthis antillarum是最丰富的分类群。这三个物种的分类学鉴定得到了 DNA 条形码的证实(99.8-100% 的相似性)。副幼虫岛章鱼首次在野外报道。大多数 PL 占据了 0-25 m 深度地层中的加勒比地表水体。最大的副幼体丰度与有利于保留的当地海洋学特征有关,例如洪都拉斯环流和科苏梅尔涡流。PL丰度没有发现昼夜差异,尽管阿布拉利亚·雷德菲尔德显示了垂直迁移的证据。MBRS表层海域PL的分布可能与个体发育迁移、中尺度和亚尺度水文特征以及尤卡坦洋流主导的环流机制有关。MBRS 是 PL 的重要分散区域,可能将物种丰富的加勒比社区与墨西哥湾和佛罗里达水域连接起来。