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Contrasting Roles of a Large Alpine Lake on Tibetan Plateau in Shaping Regional Precipitation During Summer and Autumn
Frontiers in Earth Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-04 , DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.00358
Yufeng Dai , Tandong Yao , Lei Wang , Xiangyu Li , Xiaowen Zhang

Lakes have important influence on local temperature and precipitation and are also regulators of regional climate. Using satellite and climate reanalysis datasets and a regional weather research forecasting (WRF) model, we carried out two WRF sensitivity experiments: one including the lake (WRF_lake) and the other with lake replaced by land surface (WRF_nolake). The comparison between the two sensitivity WRF experiments revealed that, in summer, the lake was strong heat sink in the daytime and heat source at night. In autumn, the lake was weak heat sink in the daytime and strong heat source at night. Correspondingly, the precipitation was reduced by about 45–70% over the lake because of the cooling effect in summer of 2008, and the precipitation over the lake and to the east of the lake was enhanced by 60% because of the warming effect of 2008.



湖泊对当地的温度和降水有重要影响,并且是区域气候的调节者。使用卫星和气候再分析数据集以及区域天气预报研究(WRF)模型,我们进行了两个WRF敏感性实验:一个包括湖泊(WRF_lake),另一个包括湖泊被陆地表面代替(WRF_nolake)。两次敏感性WRF实验之间的比较表明,在夏季,该湖在白天是强大的散热器,而在晚上则是热源。在秋天,该湖白天的散热能力很弱,而夜间则是强大的热源。相应地,由于2008年夏季的降温作用,该湖的降水减少了约45–70%,而由于2008年的增暖作用,该湖及湖东的降水增加了60%。 。
