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Groundwater‐Driven Methane Export Reduces Salt Marsh Blue Carbon Potential
Global Biogeochemical Cycles ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.1029/2020gb006587
C. A. Schutte 1, 2 , W. S. Moore 3 , A. M. Wilson 3 , S. B. Joye 1

The burial of “blue carbon” in coastal marsh soils is partially offset by marsh‐atmosphere methane (CH4) fluxes, but this offset may be greater if other pathways of CH4 export exist. Here we report that salt marshes also export dissolved CH4 via submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). The volumetric fluxes of salt marsh groundwater into adjacent tidal creeks were calculated from mass balances of the conservative tracer 226Ra at four study sites in coastal Georgia, USA. Over the 2‐year study period, volumetric groundwater fluxes across all sites ranged between 1,700 and 105,000 m3 day−1. Dissolved CH4 fluxes of 27–1,200 μmol CH4 m−2 day−1 were calculated by multiplying the volumetric groundwater flux by the groundwater CH4 concentration and normalizing to the intertidal salt marsh area estimated from satellite images. On a mass basis, the cross‐site range in CH4 fluxes was 1.3–5.5 g CH4 m−2 year−1 with a cross‐site mean of 2.8 g CH4 m−2 year−1. This is equivalent to 125 (56–245) g CO2 m−2 year−1 assuming that CH4 is 45 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas over a 100‐year time frame. This sustained‐flux global warming potential is similar to the 138 (1.1–260) g CO2 m−2 year−1 average calculated across other studies of the direct marsh soil to atmosphere CH4 flux. Therefore, SGD drives an effective doubling of salt marsh CH4 export that offsets a combined total of ~30% of the global cooling potential derived from soil carbon sequestration.



沿海沼泽土壤中埋藏的“蓝色碳”被沼泽大气中的甲烷(CH 4)通量部分抵消,但如果存在其他CH 4出口途径,则这种抵消可能更大。在这里,我们报道盐沼也通过海底地下水排放(SGD)出口溶解的CH 4。根据美国佐治亚州沿海地区四个研究点的保守示踪剂226 Ra的质量平衡,计算出盐沼地下水流入相邻潮汐小溪的体积通量。在为期2年的研究期内,所有站点的地下水通量在1700至105,000 m 3  day -1之间。溶解的CH 4通量为27–1,200μmolCH 4 m通过将地下水体积通量乘以地下水CH 4浓度,并归一化为根据卫星图像估算的潮间带盐沼面积,可以计算出-2 天-1。以质量计,CH 4通量的跨站点范围为1.3–5.5 g CH 4  m -2  year -1,跨站点平均值为2.8 g CH 4  m -2  year -1。假设CH 4的效力是CO 2的45倍,则相当于125(56-245)g CO 2  m - 2 年-1作为100年期限内的温室气体。这种持续通量的全球变暖潜势类似于在其他直接沼泽土壤至大气中CH 4通量研究中计算出的138(1.1–260)g CO 2  m - 2 年- 1年平均值。因此,SGD可将盐沼CH 4的出口量有效增加一倍,从而抵消了土壤固碳带来的全球总冷却潜力的约30%。