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Automation and the imbrication of human and material agency: A sociomaterial perspective
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2020.102538
Martin Viktorelius , Scott N. MacKinnon , Monica Lundh

Automation is projected to transform many industries and work domains and enable both increased levels of safety and efficiency by reallocating many of the functions traditionally performed by operators. However, research on the relation between automation and work practice is lagging and needs to be further explored in order to ground the debate and design of automated work on a sound empirical basis reflecting work in actual organizational settings. In particular, research is needed that offers rich naturalistic representations of human automation interaction that accounts for the mutual shaping of human and material agency over time. The ethnographic workplace study reported in this paper draws on the sociomaterial practice perspective and on the theory of imbrication to analyze a case in which an automatic speed regulation system was installed onboard five large passenger ferries in order to improve the energy efficiency of the execution of voyages. The results show how the adoption, appropriation and use of automated technologies is inextricable from the local patterns of social interaction and collaboration. The study contributes with a deeper understanding of the relation and entanglement of the social and technological elements in human automation interaction.



预计自动化将改变许多行业和工作领域,并通过重新分配操作员传统上执行的许多功能来提高安全性和效率。但是,关于自动化与工作实践之间关系的研究是滞后的,需要进一步探索,以便在反映实际组织环境中工作的良好经验基础上进行自动化工作的辩论和设计。特别是,需要进行研究以提供人类自动化交互的丰富自然主义表现形式,从而说明人类和物质代理随着时间的推移相互塑造的情况。本文报告的人种学工作场所研究借鉴了社会物质实践的观点,并借鉴了扣押理论,分析了在五个大型客轮上安装自动调速系统以提高执行航次的能效的情况。 。结果表明,自动化技术的采用,挪用和使用与本地的社会互动与协作模式密不可分。该研究有助于对人类自动化交互中的社会和技术要素的关系和纠缠有更深入的了解。自动化技术的使用和使用与当地的社交互动和协作模式密不可分。该研究有助于更深入地了解人类自动化交互中社会和技术要素的关系和纠缠。自动化技术的使用和使用与当地的社交互动和协作模式密不可分。该研究有助于更深入地了解人类自动化交互中社会和技术要素的关系和纠缠。
