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Impact of fire on montane snowpack energy balance in Snow Gum forest stands
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108164
Andrew J. Schwartz , Hamish McGowan , Nik Callow

Forest stands fundamentally alter hydrology of a region through impacting area micrometeorology and corresponding variability in snow accumulation and melt. Bushfires significantly change these interactions through removal of forest canopy, darkening of tree stems, and post-fire stem decay. This study quantified the impact of pre- and post-bushfire E. pauciflora (Snow Gum) forest stands on snowpack energy balance in the Snowy Mountains of Southeast Australia. Forest canopy cover in undisturbed forest stands moderated snowpack energy exchange through reductions to incoming shortwave radiation and turbulent fluxes. Energy flux to the snowpack was at a maximum in the fire-disturbed forest due to lower snowpack albedo resulting in greater net shortwave radiation and an increased sensible heat emission from decaying tree stems. The fire-disturbed forest also experienced the largest evaporation rate with 8.1% of snowpack SWE being lost to the atmosphere. Dominant energy fluxes to the snowpack were shortwave radiation in the unforested area and fire-disturbed forest stand, and sensible heat in the undisturbed forest stand.



森林林分通过影响区域微气象和积雪和融化的相应变化,从根本上改变了一个地区的水文。丛林大火通过移除森林冠层、树干变暗和火灾后茎干腐烂,显着改变了这些相互作用。这项研究量化了丛林大火前后的 E. pauciflora (Snow Gum) 森林对澳大利亚东南部雪山积雪能量平衡的影响。未受干扰的森林中的森林冠层通过减少传入的短波辐射和湍流通量来缓和积雪能量交换。由于较低的积雪反照率导致更大的净短波辐射和腐烂的树干的显热辐射增加,因此在受火灾干扰的森林中,积雪的能量通量最大。受火灾影响的森林也经历了最大的蒸发率,8.1% 的积雪 SWE 流失到大气中。积雪的主要能量通量是未林区和受火干扰的林分中的短波辐射,以及未受干扰的林分中的显热。