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Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in mangroves of Chorao Island, Goa, India
Wetlands Ecology and Management ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s11273-020-09747-8
Sankrita Gaonkar , B. F. Rodrigues

For a desirable understanding of diversity and species composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, in true and associate mangrove plants, 17 true mangrove and their associate species belonging to ten families were assessed from Chorao Island, Goa, India. Maximum AM root colonization was recorded in Thespesia populnea and minimum in Avicennia marina. Rhizosphere soils of Ceriops tagal showed highest and that of Acrostichum aureum showed the least spore density. The results showed that the associate mangrove species were highly mycorrhizal compared to true mangrove plants. Our study recorded greater diversity involving thirty-two AM fungal species belonging to nine genera viz., Acaulospora, Claroideoglomus, Entrophospora, Funneliformis, Gigaspora, Glomus, Rhizophagus, Sclerocystis, and Scutellospora. Acaulospora was the dominant genus and A. dilatata was the dominant AM fungal species. Acaulospora dilatata was the most common AM species in both true and associate mangrove plants, revealing its wider adaptability.



为了对丛枝菌根(AM)真菌的多样性和物种组成有一个理想的了解,在印度果阿的乔拉岛评估了真红树和伴生红树林植物中的17种真红树及其伴生物种,它们属于10个科。在Thespesia populnea中记录到最大的AM根定植,在Avicennia码头中记录到最小Ceriops tagal的根际土壤显示最高,而Acrostichum aureum土壤显示最小的孢子密度。结果表明,与真正的红树林植物相比,相关的红树林物种具有很高的菌根性。我们的研究记录了更大的多样性,其中涉及属于9个属(Acaulospora)的32个AM真菌物种,ClaroideoglomusEntrophosporaFunneliformisGigaspora球囊RhizophagusSclerocystisScutellosporaAcaulospora为优势属一个dilatata是主要的AM真菌物种。在真实和准的红树林植物中,Acaulospora dilatata是最常见的AM物种,显示了其更广泛的适应性。
