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Traces of Strong Eneolithic and Medieval Earthquakes Hitting the Durankulak Archaeological Settlement in Northeastern Bulgaria
Journal of Volcanology and Seismology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.1134/s0742046320040028
A. M. Korzhenkov , A. N. Ovsyuchenko , O. V. Dimitrov , T. Dimov , A. S. Lar’kov , B. Ranguelov , E. A. Rogozhin , S. N. Rodina


We have conducted paleo- and archaeoseismological surveys in the Durankulak Eneolithic archaeological settlement in northeastern Bulgaria, identifying many earthquake-related deformations of different ages. The ubiquitous presence of counterfort walls added to damaged original (nearly north–south) walls on the eastern side provides evidence of the first significant earthquake in Durankulak that seems to have occurred during Middle to Late Eneolithic time (4650–4100 B.C.). This seismic event made the north–south walls tilt westward, so that the ancient residents had to build counterfort walls to prevent the original walls from collapsing. However, the upper excavations in the archaeological settlement show that the next, later, seismic deformation induced a tilting and collapse of remains of the original walls eastward, producing a gap of a few tens of centimeters between the original walls and the counterfort walls. Afterwards the settlement was abandoned. It may be surmised that the later earthquake was stronger than the earlier one, which left room for reconstruction work. The local seismic intensity of the earlier earthquake seems to have been at least Il ≥ VIII, while the later event had Il ≥ IX on the МSК-64 scale. Considering that the masonry of both walls, the original and the counterfort ones, is about the same age, the time interval between the two seismic events must have been short, one or two hundred years. Nevertheless, the epicenters of both of these earthquakes were to different directions from Durankulak. The seismic motion (compressive waves and shocks) went from the west during the first earthquake and from the east during the second. The rupture zone of the first seismic event was obviously related (1) to an earthquake-generating zone in continental Bulgaria situated west of the archaeological settlement in question, or (2) to the Intramoesian active fault that was responsible for the large earthquake of 1444. The rupture zone of the second seismic event was nearby, in the coastal part of the Black Sea; the responsible feature seems to have been the Shabla–Kaliakra seismogenic zone. Considerable seismic deformations were also identified in structures on the southern slope of the island in a dwelling dating back to the First Bulgarian Kingdom (the 9th century A.D.). This seismic event produced distortions in the walls (in map view), sigmoidal patterns, as well as fractures and rotations in the walls. The local seismic intensity due to this earthquake is supposed to be at least Il ≥ VIII. The rupture zone of a third seismic event was likely to be nearby, in the coastal part of the Black Sea, and the responsible feature must have been the Shabla–Kaliakra seismogenic zone.




我们已经在保加利亚东北部的杜兰库拉克(Durankulak)火山岩考古定居点进行了古地震和考古地震调查,确定了许多与地震有关的不同年龄的变形。在东侧普遍存在的反冲墙加上损坏的原始(近北-南)墙提供了杜肯库拉克第一次重大地震的证据,该地震似乎发生在中石器时代至中晚期(公元前4650年至4100年)。这次地震使南北壁向西倾斜,因此古代居民不得不修建防空墙以防止原始墙倒塌。但是,考古定居点的上层开挖表明,接下来的地震变形导致原始墙的残余物向东倾斜和坍塌,在原始墙壁和反堡垒墙壁之间产生几十厘米的缝隙。之后,定居点被放弃。可以推测,后来的地震比早期的地震要强,这给重建工作留下了空间。早期地震的当地地震烈度似乎至少为≥八,而后面的事件有我≥IX在МSК-64刻度上。考虑到两面墙的砖石,即原始墙和反面墙的砖石大约相同的年龄,两次地震事件之间的时间间隔一定要短,为一或两百年。然而,这两次地震的震中距杜兰库拉克都不同。在第一次地震中,地震运动(压缩波和冲击波)从西部传播,在第二次地震中,地震运动从东方发生。第一次地震事件的破裂带显然与(1)与所讨论的考古定居点西侧的保加利亚大陆上的一个地震发生带有关,或(2)与造成1444年大地震的内陆活动断层有关。第二次地震事件的破裂带在黑海沿岸附近。负责的特征似乎是Shabla–Kaliakra地震发生带。在该岛南坡的一处房屋中也发现了可观的地震变形,该房屋的历史可追溯到第一个保加利亚王国(公元9世纪)。地震事件导致墙体变形(在地图视图中),S型图案以及墙体断裂和旋转。这次地震造成的当地地震烈度应该至少为I 以及墙壁的破裂和旋转。这次地震造成的当地地震烈度应该至少为I 以及墙壁的破裂和旋转。这次地震造成的当地地震烈度应该至少为I≥VIII。第三次地震事件的破裂带很可能在黑海的沿海地区附近,而负责的特征一定是Shabla–Kaliakra地震发生带。